英國外來入侵物種政策獲得大眾支持 | 環境資訊中心



擁有大理石斑紋的螯蝦;圖片來源:Marmorkrebs英國當局提出警告,經由水族業的貿易往來而傳到英國的外來種觀賞用螯蝦(ornamental crayfish)可能使本土的淡水螯蝦物種遭受到巨大的壓力。英國政府今天表示,一份新提出草擬政策用來對付這種侵入性的非本土物種受到英國公眾意見的強力支持,而最後政策將在2008年春季拍板定案。




UK Invasive Species Strategy Attracts Public Support
LONDON, UK, January 4, 2007 (ENS)

The arrival in the UK of a foreign ornamental crayfish species via the aquarium trade could put native crayfish species under severe pressure, British authorities warn. A new draft strategy to tackle such invasive non-native species in Great Britain has received strong support during public consultations, the government said today, and a final strategy will be introduced in the spring.

The marbled crayfish is the first recorded crayfish capable of asexual reproduction. It reproduces so rapidly that one animal alone can establish a breeding population.

Because the marbled crayfish can reproduce so fast, aquarium hobbyists could pass their excess animals on to other hobbyists, pet shops, or release them into the wild.

Freshwater crayfish look like miniature lobsters and live in streams, rivers and still waters. Marbled crayfish are voracious feeders and could impact native aquatic plants and animals if released to the wild. In addition, this species carries a fungus that could harm native crayfish.

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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.