在15日潛入日籍捕鯨船勇新丸2號﹙Yushin Maru No.2﹚而遭羈押的二名海洋看守保育協會(Sea Shepherd)反捕鯨活動成員,如今都已經返回他們的船上。
這二名反捕鯨人士12日清晨在南極洋澳洲南方約2000英里的海域上從捕鯨船被移交到澳洲海關巡邏船「維京海洋號」(Oceanic Viking),而這個地點正是日籍捕鯨船以「研究」為名而進行捕鯨的地方。
而28歲的澳洲人波茲﹙Benjamin Potts﹚以及35歲的英國人雷恩﹙Giles Lane﹚蓄意潛入日籍捕鯨船,主要是為了要遞交抗議信給船長,並要求日籍捕鯨船停止在南極洋的捕鯨行動。
The two Sea Shepherd anti-whaling activists who boarded the Japanese whaling ship Yushin Maru No.2 on Tuesday are now back onboard their ship.
They were transferred from the whaler to the Australian Customs vessel, the Oceanic Viking early Friday morning in the Southern Ocean about 2,000 miles south of Australia where the Japanese have been hunting whales for "research" purposes.
Australia sent the customs vessel at the request of the Japanese and with the acceptance of the Sea Shepherd, an international conservation organization that is in the Southern Ocean to interfere with the Japanese whale hunt.
Australian citizen Benjamin Potts, 28, and Giles Lane, 35, of Great Britain intentionally boarded the Japanese whaling ship to deliver a letter to its captain demanding a halt to Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean.
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