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紐西蘭頒佈漁業新規 保護瀕危海鳥






紐國漁業部長安德頓(Jim Anderton)表示,該國已新修訂漁業作業規定,如「深海拖網漁船都需要在船尾安裝嚇鳥裝置,以將鳥群驅離漁網鋼索」;「無論內陸或外海作業的拖網漁船,皆須遵守傾倒魚獲殘渣的特定時間,以避免鳥群爭食而分心撞上鋼索」,他並表示,將長期執行以上政策。

此外,新規範也規定了在海上處理魚獲的延繩漁船僅能在特定時間傾倒殘渣,以避免吸引鳥類意外上鉤而死亡。所有延繩漁船在安裝嚇鳥裝置(streamer lines)之外,也需在魚繩上加重使之快速下沈,或是在晚間撒網,以避免海鳥衝入水中取食魚餌而上鉤。



New Zealand Imposes Fishing Rules to Help Endangered Seabirds
WELLINGTON, New Zealand, February 27, 2008 (ENS)

The government of New Zealand has established a new set of temporary measures to keep endangered seabirds from being killed when commercial vessels are fishing. The new practices will be in place while the government develops longer term solutions to the problem of seabird mortality.

Between 2,000 and 10,000 seabirds are killed annually in the New Zealand trawl and longline fisheries. Of these, an estimated 900 to 1,500 are albatrosses, the most threatened family of birds in the world according to the IUCN-World Conservation Union Red List of Threatened Species.

More than half of the world’s albatrosses are found in New Zealand, and all of those breeding in New Zealand waters are listed as threatened.

Seabirds such as albatrosses and petrels are attracted to fishing vessels by the bait that is put on longlines and also by the offal and fish trimmings that are discharged from the vessels when they process their catch.

The birds can dive down under the water and take longline baits, become hooked and drown, or can be distracted by feeding on offal discharge and get hit by the heavy steel cables that tow trawl nets. Albatrosses are the key species caught as by-catch in New Zealand deepwater trawl fisheries for squid and hoki, with around half of the by-catch in these fisheries being albatrosses.

Scientific observers recorded 31 species of seabird caught in trawl and longline fishing from 1998-2004. Eighteen of these species are listed as threatened with extinction.

All deepwater trawlers are currently required to use devices behind their boats that will scare birds away from the heavy trawl cables, and New Zealand Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton says this will continue. All trawlers, both inshore and offshore, will only be allowed to discharge offal and fish trimmings at certain times when there is less chance of birds becoming distracted by feeding on the offal and being hit by the cables.

In addition, longliners that process their catch at sea will only be allowed to discharge offal and fish trimmings at certain times to avoid attracting birds to where baited hooks are being set. All longliners will be required to use streamer lines that scare birds away from the baited hooks. They will also have to either weight their lines so they sink quickly, or set lines only at night so there is less chance of birds diving for the bait and becoming hooked.

In developing these measures the government brought together information from observer data, international research, Industry Codes of Practice, the expertise of individual fishers as well as feedback received during the drafting process.

In order to allow time for the industry to make the necessary modifications and arrangements, the requirement for trawlers to retain offal will be deferred for three to six months and the requirement for longliners to retain offal will come into effect on March 21. The government is currently consulting on an updated National Plan of Action for Seabirds and a draft seabird standard. This will put in place a long-term framework for managing the problem of seabird bycatch that could result in more mandatory mitigation measures being put in place.
