透視內幕:海洋守護協會對鯨魚獵殺者的無毒、有機、非暴力行動 | 環境資訊中心



史帝夫厄文號向日本捕鯨船丟擲腐壞奶油。圖片來源:Institute for Cetacean Research在非洲,索馬里盜獵者因為盜獵大象在當場被槍殺,此警示的行為獲得全球輿論的認同;在印度,盜獵老虎也同樣被槍殺;因此,當海洋守護協會(Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)成員在南大洋鯨魚禁捕區(Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary)向日本的高科技獵鯨船艦甲板丟擲腐壞奶油時,害怕得罪亞洲經濟惡霸的人恐懼地在一旁喘氣。


史帝夫厄文號甚至提議送駐船醫師登上日新丸號(the Nisshin Maru)去治療宣稱的受傷者,也想確認所聲稱受到的傷害是否真的存在,但日新丸號拒絕了這個提議。



被丟到日新丸號甲板的東西都是有機且無毒的。日本捕鯨者卻搬弄是非,將完全無害的奶油形容成具有酸腐性及傷害性的。並不是所有酸性物質都是有害的,只是比較難聞而已。奶油腐壞後會變成丁酸(butyric acid)是事實,但不至於具有毒性,只會臭得令人受不了而已。


地球上沒有任何工業像捕鯨一樣恐怖暴力。當磨鈍的魚叉粉碎牠們的背部並撕裂牠們的內臟,鯨魚在長時間令人無法想像的垂死痛苦中死去。當牠們淹溺在海水以及自己的血液之中,要40分鐘左右才會死亡。牠們在海面上拍打翻滾悽慘地喊叫,看著船上傲慢的人們,正因著牠們的磨難在忘情歡呼。位於南大洋的鯨魚。圖片來源: SSCS


海洋守護協會的當事人就是為了這些鯨魚以及護衛牠們而採取行動的協會成員,這些介入行動是在依據聯合國「全球大自然憲章(World Charter for Nature)」制訂的原則執行國際保育法規。



INSIGHTS: Sea Shepherd's Non-Toxic, Organic, Non-Violent Response to Whale Killers
Captain Paul Watson, ABOARD THE M/Y STEVE IRWIN, Southern Ocean, March 4, 2008 (ENS)

In Africa, Somali poachers are shot on sight for poaching elephants and the world approves. In India, Indian poachers are shot for poaching tigers. Yet when the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society crew tosses rotten butter onto the deck of a wealthy high-tech Japanese whale poaching vessel in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, there is a gasp of horror from those who fear to offend the great economic bully from Asia.

The crew of the Steve Irwin did not injure anyone. The entire confrontation was documented by both ships and there has been no video shown by either side documenting violent actions against the very violent whalers.

Sea Shepherd even offered to send its medical doctor onboard the Nisshin Maru to treat the alleged injuries and to confirm the claim that there were any injuries at all. The Nisshin Maru denied the request.

The reaction in some media outlets leads one to think the Japanese whalers are the innocent victims of a horrific act of violence. Yet these same whalers are violating international conservation law and an Australian Federal Court order by illegally slaughtering endangered whales in an established whale sanctuary.

The Sea Shepherd crew did not shoot any of these poachers like the rangers in Africa would when they encounter elephant killers in the bush. They tossed rotten butter and fake banana peels onto their deck to discourage their illegal operations [on March 3].

The material tossed onto the deck of the Nisshin Maru was both organic and non-toxic. The Japanese whalers are spinning the story describing butter acid as caustic and harmful when it is completely harmless. Not all acids are harmful and some just smell bad. It is a fact that butter becomes Butyric acid when it goes bad. That does not make it toxic, just obnoxiously smelly.

Sea Shepherd's objective in tossing a foul smelling substance onto the deck of the largest floating slaughterhouse in the world is simple - to discourage the grisly work of mutilating the bodies of some of the largest and gentlest creatures on Earth.

There is no industry on earth as horrifically violent as whaling. Whales die in prolonged unimaginable agony as blunt tipped harpoons smash into their backsides and shred internal organs. They may take up to 40 minutes to die as they drown in a mixture of salt water and their own blood. They thrash and roll on the surface of the sea and scream piteously as they look up to see arrogant men gloating over their suffering.

Yet, some people get upset because these same people now have smelly decks and can't continue their foul sadistic work.

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's clients are the whales and the crew defend them by intervening to enforce international conservation law in accordance to the principles established by the United Nations World Charter for Nature.

Sea Shepherd has not committed any crime. Despite the fabrications of Japanese public relations spin doctors, Sea Shepherd has not injured anyone. In fact in over 30 years of high seas interventions the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has never caused an injury nor been convicted of a felony. Yet in that time whalers, sealers, shark finners, turtle poachers and illegal fishermen have assaulted, beaten, bloodied, rammed, shot at and threatened Sea Shepherd crew members' lives.

Sea Shepherd has had a very successful campaign this year in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Hundreds of whales have been saved.
