毒物、鳥與狼:歐洲最新法律議題 | 環境資訊中心


摘譯自2008年4月3日 ENS比利時,布魯賽爾報導;范仕穎編譯;蔡麗伶審校






European Legal Issues: Hazardous Substances, Birds, Wolves
BRUSSELS, Belgium, April 3, 2008 (ENS)

The European Commission is bringing Italy before the European Court of Justice for failing to draw up emergency plans in case of major accidents for installations where hazardous substances are present.

Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said, "The Italian authorities must implement contingency plans to protect its citizens and the environment from the consequences of major industrial accidents."

EU legislation on controlling the hazardous consequences of major accidents involving dangerous substances requires member states to set up emergency plans for areas surrounding industrial installations that store or handle large quantities of dangerous substances.

The law requires authorities in member states to draw up emergency plans for these installations by February 3, 2002.

In October 2007 the Commission sent Italy a final warning letter highlighting that more than 20 percent of installations storing or handling dangerous substances did not have emergency plans.

In its two December 2007 responses Italy acknowledged this shortcoming and stated its commitment to prepare the remaining emergency plans.

The Commission believes this state of affairs to be unacceptable and so is taking Italy before the European Court of Justice.

On another matter, the establishment of protected areas for migratory birds, the Commission is sending Hungary a final written warning for not putting in place national measures for implementing this EU environmental law for the protection of wild birds.

The articles of the directive that are still not properly implemented into national law concern the taking of eggs in the wild and specific prohibitions for the hunting of certain species.

Concerning wolf hunting in Finland, Dimas said the Commission is closing its case against Finland on the granting of permits for wolf hunting because it considers that Finland has complied with a 2007 European Court of Justice ruling.

In June 2007 the court ruled that Finland had breached this law on the conservation of natural habitats and wild animals and plants by granting permits for the hunting of wolves which failed to specify the conditions under which they could be hunted.

Following the court's ruling Finland adopted legislation that clarified the rules on the granting of permits to hunt wolves.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.