英國首相布朗:促G8全力協助解決糧食短缺 | 環境資訊中心



英國首相布朗。圖片來源:Office of the Prime Minister英國首相布朗(Gordon Brown )呼籲八大工業國G8成員對世界銀行等國際組織施壓,要求針對國際食物價格上漲的危機展開行動,因為食物價格自6月以來估計已上漲了55%。

在一封給八大工業國高峰會之主辦單位日本首相福田康夫(Yasuo Fukuda)的信中,布朗要求會員國共同來推動一個全面整合的回應,包含國際社群到高漲的食物價格和其效應,尤其要關注世界上最貧窮的人民。





日本首相福田康夫。圖片來源:Government of Japan世界銀行總裁-美國的佐利克(Robert Zoellick),4月10日表示他與首相布朗也有同樣的想法,佐利克表示針對緊急危機,國際社群必須填補起由聯合國世界糧食組織(UNWFP)所推算的至少5億美金的食品落差。


佐利克補充道:「我們需要完成多哈會談(Doha Round)中提到的世貿組織(WTO)之全球貿易對話。」



British Prime Minister Urges G8 to Help the Hungry
LONDON, UK, April 10, 2008 (ENS)

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called upon the Group of Eight, G8, to press international institutions such as the World Bank to take action on a growing crisis in global food prices, which have increased by an estimated 55 percent since June.

In a letter of April 9 to Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, who is hosting the G8 summit this year, Brown asked his counterpart to push for a "fully coordinated response" from the international community to rising food prices and their effects, particularly on the world's poorest people.

Japan currently holds the G8 presidency and will host the annual G8 summit in Hokkaido in July 7 to 9.

Brown, a former chancellor of the exchequer, suggested short-term World Bank and IMF support. "Net food importing countries suffering from balance of payments difficulties as a result of higher global food prices should be given rapid access to IMF support under established mechanisms."

Brown said more should be done to link food issues with climate change and "extreme weather conditions." Recent crop failures in major producing countries are reminders of the expected consequences of climate change, as the frequency and severity of extreme weather events increase in years to come," he wrote. "And the World Food Programme has highlighted that the increase in food prices will accentuate the food needs for the world's poorest people."

"The international community needs a fully co-ordinated response," Brown wrote. "We need both short-term action to deal with immediate hardship, and a medium term response, which will provide a framework for tackling the opportunities and challenges."

World Bank President Robert Zoellick of the United States indicated today that he is thinking along the same lines as Prime Minister Brown. Zoellick said that for the immediate crisis, the international community must fill the at least $500 million food gap identified by the UN's World Food Programme to meet emergency needs.

Saying that agriculture must become a priority, Zoellick repeated the Bank's announcement that it will double agricultural lending for Sub-Saharan Africa over the next year, from $450 million to $800 million.
"And," Zoellick said, "we need to complete the Doha Round," of global trade talks at the World Trade Organization, WTO.

Brown agrees that more can be done in terms of trade. "We should surely redouble our efforts for a WTO trade deal that provides greater poor country access to developed country markets and cuts distortionary subsidies in rich countries," he wrote.

"A large aid for trade package will be crucial" and continuing international support for agricultural research also will be "crucial," wrote Brown, "along with reform of the international research system to achieve even greater impact on poverty and hunger."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.