反對加拿大格里夸灣銅礦開採 環保人士將抗爭到底 | 環境資訊中心

反對加拿大格里夸灣銅礦開採 環保人士將抗爭到底


貓面山和格里夸灣的森林小丘免受原木砍伐的破壞,現在他們也準備好要對即將開放採礦。圖片來源:Wesley Picotte位於加拿大溫哥華美麗西岸的格里夸灣Ahousaht第一民族,與當地塞爾凱克礦業簽署協議,同意該公司在貓面山進行銅礦開採測試的舉動,讓加拿大卑斯省環保人士感到相當訝異。




針對貓面山採礦的提議進行超過1年研究的荒野委員會(Wilderness Committee)科學家米勒(Andy Miller),對於此項提案仍抱有疑慮。




但塞爾凱克礦業的開發經理奇沃(Graham Keevil)卻向《環球郵報》表示,他們認為在貓面山地底下約有1億5千萬公噸的銅礦量,是地球上銅礦礦床最為豐富的地區之一。

Environmentalists Vow to Fight Copper Mine in Clayoquot Sound
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada, April 11, 2008 (ENS)

British Columbia environmentalists are appalled that the Ahousaht First Nation of Clayoquot Sound on the scenic west coast of Vancouver has signed an agreement with Vancouver-based Selkirk Metals to test drill for copper on Catface Mountain.

Reported today in the "Globe and Mail," the agreement is a step towards economic development for the remote Ahousaht band, who can no longer depend on fishing for survival. The copper deposit is on traditional lands of the Ahousaht.

But environmentalists fought long and hard to preserve Catface Mountain and the forested hills of Clayoquot Sound from logging, and they are ready to fight again to prevent open pit copper mining from damaging this ecosystem.

If mining takes place, plans include the development of a new port for container ships, several giant open pit mines, new dams and lakes to contain the most toxic waste products, kilometers of conveyor belts that can emit toxic dust, diesel generator power stations, and roads - all visible from the town of Tofino and from Ahousaht.

Andy Miller, staff scientist at the Wilderness Committee, who has been studying the Catface mine proposal for over a year, is also concerned.

"The Catface copper deposit has been known to exist for 50 years," he said. "The reason it was never developed is that it is economically marginal because the copper is of such low quality (0.37 percent copper), so diffuse, and so deep under-ground (up to 350 metres)."

Copper mines similar to that proposed at Catface have horrible environmental records. The Copper Mines at Butte Montana, for example, are the site of the largest and most expensive toxic waste cleanup in United States history, and cancer rates are off the charts.

The copper mine at nearby Mt. Washington, BC wiped out all five species of salmon in the Tsolum River.
But Graham Keevil, Selkirk's business development manager, told the "Globe and Mail" that the company believes about 155 million metric tonnes of copper lies beneath the surface of Catface Mountain, making it one of the richest copper deposits on Earth.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.