英國環保團體:停止國家公園內的採礦許可 | 環境資訊中心



位在龍石墩安矩區的貝克戴爾採礦場。圖片來源:Friends of the Peak District長石先鋒聯盟(Longstone Edge Coalition)要求英國政府提供緊急搶救措施,讓位於英國中部德比郡(Derbyshire)的峰區國家公園(Peak District National Park)得以保護自己免受石灰岩採礦工程的破壞。

高等法院在3月份做出了一份新判決,推翻了一名政府計畫審查員於2007年時所做出的決定,當時的判定位在國家公園龍石墩安矩區(Longstone Edge)的貝克戴爾(Backdale)採礦場開採礦石是不合法的,而且必須予以停止。而新判決一出,環境和自然保育團體隨即成立了一個聯盟對抗。




英國房屋及地方政府事務部長(Housing and Local Government)在1952年授予了一份規畫許可,允許「透過挖掘廢石堆、露天採礦和地下採礦等方式以開採螢石(fluorspar)跟重晶石(barytes),以及在採礦其間同時開採鉛礦以及其他礦產等。」

石灰岩採礦工程將對峰區國家公園造成破壞圖片來源:Longstone Edge Coalition因此,長石先鋒聯盟呼籲必須緊急停止1952年的採礦許可,以避免對國家公園造成持續的傷害。


而在3月公布新判決之後的一次公開會議中,管理局主席巴哈利亞(Narendra Bajaria)向保育人士表示,「我們感謝您跟我們一起關心在龍石墩安矩區和當地社區進行採礦活動可能產生的衝擊。」


New British Coalition Seeks to Block Quarry in National Park
BAKEWELL, England, April 25, 2008 (ENS)

The Longstone Edge Coalition is asking the British government to provide an urgent rescue package to enable the Peak District National Park in Derbyshire central England to protect itself from a limestone quarrying operation.

The coalition of environmental and conservation groups formed in the wake of a High Court judgment in March. The High Court overturned the 2007 decision of a government planning inspector that the quarrying at Backdale Quarry on Longstone Edge in the park was illegal and must cease.

This week, the government and the Peak District National Park Authority decided to appeal against the High Court decision, a move welcomed by the coalition.

Using a mineral permission granted in 1952, the landowner Bleaklow Industries and the operator MMC Mineral Processing have resumed mining at Longstone Edge since the High Court judgement was handed down.

The High Court ruling overturned a public inquiry and a stop notice served by the Park Authority to prevent quarrying at Backdale on Longstone Edge.

Planning permission was granted in 1952 by the Minister of Housing and Local Government to allow "the winning and working of fluorspar and barytes and for the working of lead and any other minerals which are won in the course of working those minerals, by turning over old spoil dumps, by opencast working and by underground mining."

The Longstone Edge Coalition is calling for urgent revocation of the 1952 mining permission to prevent continued damage to the park.

The Peak District National Park Authority has expressed its gratitude to community and environmental groups for their continued support in its action to stop alleged harmful quarrying on Longstone Edge.

At a public meeting after the ruling in March, Authority Chair Narendra Bajaria told the conservationists, "We very much share your genuine concern about the impact of these operations on Longstone Edge and on the local community."

"We are also grateful for your support in working with us to try to achieve the end we all want: a permanent solution to the problems on Longstone Edge," said Bajaria. "Our united approach can only emphasize its significance."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.