巴西擴大亞馬遜國家公園 新增森林保護區 | 環境資訊中心

巴西擴大亞馬遜國家公園 新增森林保護區




魯拉並偕同環境部長席爾瓦(Marina Silva)與非政府組織代表會面。席爾瓦於會後表示,永續森林區的設立,將能增加約10萬個工作機會,生產大約400百萬瓦特(MW)的電力,以及每年可增收約8億3,252萬美元的稅額。席爾瓦說:「從這些數據看來,亞馬遜永續森林區的未來將別有一番新風貌。」

世界自然基金會巴西分會保護區計畫專員馬雷帝(Claudio Maretti)認為,保護區建立後,可有效阻止不法份子非法佔用公有地與破壞森林,進而達到『真正的』發展。」不過馬雷帝也警告:「政府必須快速立法保護其他地區,以因應開發的壓力。」

Brazil Expands Amazon National Park, Creates Forest Reserves
BRASILIA, Brazil, February 15, 2006 (ENS)

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula de Silva on Monday signed decrees expanding Amazon National Park and creating seven new environmental protected areas in the western part of Papá state, a region marked by land disputes and environmental devastation. The protected areas are intended to ensure that the planned paving of highway BR163 does not result in uncontrolled increase of logging on lands bordering the road, as has historically occurred throughout Amazonia.

In one decree, President Lula added 150,000 hectares to the million hectare (2.47 million acre) Amazon National Park, and another establishes the country's first Sustainable Forest District, also located in western Pará and aimed at fostering sustainable development in the region. These decrees bring the total protected area in that region of Pará to 6.4 million hectares. The Amazon region as a whole now has 45.8 million hectares of protected area, an increase of one-third as compared to 2003.

Following a meeting with President Lula and representatives of nongovernmental organizations, the environment minister Marina Silva said the district will be capable of generating 100,000 jobs, producing around 400 megawatts of electricity, and collecting US$832.52 million in taxes each year. "These figures make a difference for the future of sustainable development in the Amazon region," Minister Silva said.

Cláudio Maretti, coordinator of the Protected Areas Program of WWF-Brazil, said the creation of protected areas is effective in keeping land grabbers from illegally assuming ownership of public lands and destroying the forests, accomplishing defacto development. "However," said Maretti, "the government must be faster in decreeing protected areas in other regions in case the pressures to abandon conservation intensify."