與會各國也感到壓力,希望2009年聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC)在丹麥哥本哈根舉行新一輪談判之前加速協商,以利達成一個更穩固、更有效的國際氣候變遷協定。
聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約執行秘書長德布爾(Yvo de Boer)在今天的閉幕記者會上表示,「我們現在對於各國希望哪些條文,最後能加入長期的氣候變遷協定已具有一個清楚的共識,但是現在距離哥本哈根會議還有一年多的時間,要達成協議所必須面臨的挑戰仍相當艱鉅。」
聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約架構下的長期合作行動之特設工作小組(Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action)主席馬查多(Luiz Figueiredo Machado)指出,「與會各方透過討論已經歷了所有重要的過渡轉換期,使之進入到協商階段,這對促進協商過程而言非常重要,但是,下個階段所要求的將是更具目標性的提案。」
舉例來說,根據與會者和越南國會議員在5月25日舉行對於氣候變遷的高層討論會所得的結論顯示,越南將是受氣候變遷影響最大的國家之一,這經由國際自然資源保育聯盟(International Union for the Conservation of Nature)證實,只要海平面上升1公尺,就會淹沒越南超過6%的區域,造成超過1千萬人民無家可歸。
More than 2,000 participants from 170 countries are packing their bags and heading home this evening after winding up the latest round of UN-sponsored global climate change talks in Bonn with little substantive progress towards a seccessor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol. The protocol's first commitment period expires at the end of 2012.
The pressure is on to negotiate a strengthened and more effective international climate change deal before a meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC, December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
"We now have a clearer understanding among governments on what countries would ultimately like to see written into a long-term agreement to address climate change," said UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer at the closing news conference today. "But with a little more than a year to go to Copenhagen, the challenge to come to that agreement remains daunting."
The meeting in Bonn, from June 2 - 13, was the second major negotiating session this year. Three workshops on climate change adaptation, finance and technology took place, designed to deepen the understanding of the issues related to the building blocks of the Copenhagen agreement.
"Parties have made the all-important transition from discussions and are entering the negotiating phase - this is important to move the negotiating process forward," said Luiz Figueiredo Machado, who chairs the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the UNFCCC.
"But what is required are more targeted proposals in the next sessions," he said.
Climate change is viewed as one of the most serious threats to the global environment and to sustainable development. Adverse impacts on human health, food security, infrastructure, economic activity, biological diversity and natural resources are expected.
For instance, Vietnam will be one of the countries most affected by climate change, according to participants in a high level discussion on climate change with Vietnamese lawmakers held on May 25 and facilitated by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. A sea-level rise of only one meter could inundate over six percent of the total area of the country and displace over 10 million people, the participants heard.
Most of the world's scientists agree that rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the Earth atmosphere emitted by human activities are leading to changes in the climate.