《敬邀連署》搶救深海珊瑚,拒開保育倒車 | 環境資訊中心





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依據農委會公告,這次一共開放台灣周圍五處珊瑚漁場,總面積達7811平方公里,主要採捕對象為深海珊瑚。以深海珊瑚中的紅珊瑚Corallium rubrum為例,每年僅成長0.35~0.62公厘,生長速率隨年齡逐漸減緩,由於生長緩慢,一經破壞將難以恢復,加上傳統的拖網採捕方式,選擇性差,將嚴重破壞珊瑚生態棲地。









在漁業資源枯竭的今日,珊瑚在生態糸中的角色不容小覷,維護珊瑚資源也是在保障大多數漁民的權益。根據美國海洋保育聯盟(NCMC)資料指出,「珊瑚和海綿建立的棲息地提供了海洋生物的培育場所和保護。光是在東北大西洋海底山區,就觀察到超過 1300 種無脊椎動物和 850 種脊椎動物…」。華盛頓公約(CITES)更進一步在今年將寶石珊瑚中的黑珊瑚(Black Coral)納入附錄二的物種名單。農委會身為台灣最高「保育」主管機關,卻罔顧國際保育潮流,放任業者在深海珊瑚名列保育名單前趕盡殺絕,似乎忘了民國83年正是因為執行野生動物保育工作不力,遭美國以「培利修正案」對台灣施以貿易制裁,禁止包含珊瑚等五項產品輸美。我們在此呼籲農委會不要重蹈覆轍,為了少數人的利益,喪失國家尊嚴,讓台灣成為國際笑柄,希望農委會能亡羊補牢,拿出誠意守住多年來的保育成果,全面禁採珊瑚,落實維護海洋資源的工作。

Please support us to save the corals by cosigning 「Against the Taiwanese Council of Agriculture to Issue the Coral Catching License」


The Council of Agriculture amends the “Regulations for the Issuing of Building Permit and Fishery License to Fishing Vessels.” The original Regulation 23 pointed out “New fishery license for corals will not be issued anymore.” However, the new regulation states that those vessels with coral catching equipment can now do the commercial catch of corals. This will definitely devastate the marine recourses of Taiwan.

Taiwan Faces the Crisis of Coral Depletion

After years of education and conservation of coral reefs had drawn much attention of Taiwan people. However, the academia still has limited understanding towards deep-sea corals (50 meters bellow sea level) due to the lack of related research.

The Council of Agriculture in Taiwan opened 5 fisheries around Taiwan, accounting for 7811 square meters, for fishing deep-sea corals. Take the Corallium rubrum for example, it grows 0.35~0.62 millimeters per year. In addition to its slow growth, the traditional bottom trawl fishery also destroys the habitats severely.

The Council of Agriculture doesn’t limit the way of fishery, the species of corals, and the sizes of corals. Moreover, the government didn’t punish or control those illegal fisheries in the past, either. Now the Council even passes the regulation to legalize the coral fishery.

Wrong Policy Making

After the “Regulations for the Issuing of Building Permit and Fishery License to Fishing Vessels” had passed, the license of coral fishery was no longer issued to fisherman since 1989. In 2007, the Fishery Agency of the Council of Agriculture also declared the species and sizes of corals should be taken into consideration to better protect the coral habitats. Taiwanese fishery management should also work towards this direction of protection.

However, the new regulation will now destroy the conservation endeavors that the government and NGOs made for the past decade.

Sacrifice the Benefits of the Public

The 96 fishing boats in Taiwan now can catch 11.5 tons of corals each year (each boat can catch up to 120 kilos). Those corals are worth millions of dollars. The new policy will only benefit those coral and jewelry dealers but sacrifice our nature and the rights of the public. We ask the Council of Agriculture should cease issuing the license now and amend the “Regulations for the Issuing of Building Permit and Fishery License to Fishing Vessels.”