聯合國警告:海水變暖了,魚獲則減少了 | 環境資訊中心



位於智利的漁港。圖片來源:Stefan Wurschinger聯合國糧農組織今天(10日)表示,全球魚獲量減少可能是因為氣候變遷的關係。







位於南非的漁港。圖片來源:Ian Junor聯合國糧農組織在一份聲明中指出,世界海洋暖化的情況很可能會持續下去,但是因為地理差異以及年代不同,所受的影響也略有不同。另外,地表水暖化的情況越來越激烈,而且不只是地表水,甚至在大西洋深層水也顯示出海水暖化的明顯徵兆。




Warmer Oceans Hold Fewer Fish, UN Warns
ROME, Italy, July 10, 2008 (ENS)

A decrease in global fisheries production is likely as a result of climate change, the UN food and agriculture agency said today.

Most at risk are fishing communities located in the high latitudes and those that rely on ecosystems such as upwelling or coral reefs, that are susceptible to climate change.

Fisheries communities located in deltas, coral atolls and ice dominated coasts will be particularly vulnerable to sea level rise and associated risks of flooding, saline intrusion and coastal erosion.

But countries with limited ability to adapt to the changes, even if located in low risk areas, are also vulnerable, UN officials said.

The UN food agency's warning comes at a four day scientific symposium on climate change and marine fisheries being held at its Rome headquarters July 8-11.

The event drew more than 200 experts and policymakers from around the world in an attempt to tackle the challenges that climate change poses to marine fisheries and the millions of people who depend on them for food and income.

Some 42 million people work directly in the fisheries sector, the great majority in developing countries. Adding those who work in associated processing, marketing, distribution and supply industries, the sector supports several hundred million livelihoods, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO.

The ongoing warming of the world's oceans is likely to continue, but with geographical differences and some decadal variability, said the FAO in a statement. "Warming is more intense in surface waters but is not exclusive to these, with the Atlantic showing particularly clear signs of deep warming."

Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture are already being observed, the FAO says.

Scientists have documented changes in fish distributions in response to climate variations. Warm water species are moving toward the Earth's two poles, and so are the colder water species.

Shifts in ocean salinity are occurring, studies show, with near-surface waters in the more evaporative regions of most of the world's oceans increasing in salinity.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.