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能源之星標章 已難取信消費者


用來認證節能商品的能源之星LOGO(圖片來源:WIKI)最新一期美國《消費者報告》(Consumer Reports)雜誌指出,用來認證節能商品的「能源之星」(Energy Star)標章,因為缺乏獨立審查機制,且作業規範鬆散、過時,而降低其可信度。報告指出「愈來愈多商品之所以能通過能源之星的原因,是因為標準過於容易達到,且政府檢測程序未因應科技發展而改進所致。」

能源之星已擁有16年歷史,是一種自願性的認證標章,目前由美國環保署(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)與能源局(Energy Department)管理,適用多達50多類產品申請,舉凡照明、家電、辦公設備與冷暖空調設備等。此方案廣及全美,並以標章認定節能商品。



EPA能源之星LOGO(圖片來源:WIKI)環保署回應,《消費者報告》「混淆」了政府針對能源使用與耗能商品能源效率而設置的三種不同方案──除了能源局最低標準方案、美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission)監督的「能源指南」(EnergyGuide)標章,以及「能源之星」標章計畫。

Energy Star Claims Not Met In Consumer Reports' Tests
YONKERS, New York, September 3, 2008 (ENS)

Lax standards and out-of-date test protocols that are not independently verified weaken the federal Energy Star program used to identify energy efficient appliances, according to a report in the latest issue of "Consumer Reports" magazine published Tuesday.

"The percent of products that qualify for Energy Star is increasing because standards are too easy to reach and federal test procedures haven't kept pace with new technology," the report states.

Energy Star is a 16 year old voluntary program administered by the Energy Department and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that covers more than 50 product categories such as lighting, home electronics, office equipment, and home heating and cooling. The program establishes nationwide guidelines and uses a logo that identifies energy-efficient products.

In a statement Tuesday, the EPA says it "stands by the integrity of the Energy Star program."

But the report points out that to qualify, companies self-certify that their products comply with the standards. The Energy Department does not test products for compliance with Energy Star standards, and often there is no independent verification of what manufacturers report, Consumers Reports states.

The agency says the magazine "confuses" three different programs run by the federal government that address energy use and energy efficiency of energy-using products - the minimum standards program operated by the Energy Department, the EnergyGuide label overseen by the Federal Trade Commission, and the Energy Star labeling program.
