20年大調查 北美淡水魚種瀕臨絕種威脅 | 環境資訊中心

20年大調查 北美淡水魚種瀕臨絕種威脅




美國地質測量局主任梅爾(Mark Myers)表示,淡水魚數量減少的跡象出現於1970年代,最主要的成因不外棲地破壞、規模縮減,以及外來物種入侵等;而氣候的變遷將可能進一步惡化這些脆弱的魚類。




地質測量局研究與該報告執筆者霍華(Howard Jelks)指出,「人類在這些重要的分水嶺頻繁活動,對這些水域生態帶來負面影響」。






North American Freshwater Fishes Fading into Extinction
GAINESVILLE, Florida, September 9, 2008 (ENS)

Fishes that once were abundant in North American streams, rivers and lakes are now disappearing, with nearly 40 percent of all species in jeopardy, according to the most detailed assessment of the conservation status of freshwater fishes in the last 20 years.

The report shows that 61 fishes are presumed extinct, and 280 species are classed as endangered. In addition 190 are considered threatened, and 230 fishes are listed as vulnerable to extinction.

"Freshwater fish have continued to decline since the late 1970s, with the primary causes being habitat loss, dwindling range and introduction of non-native species," said Mark Myers, director of the U.S. Geological Survey. "In addition, climate change may further affect these fish."

The fish at greatest risk are the salmon and trout of the Pacific Coast and western mountain regions. Also at great risk are minnows, suckers and catfishes throughout the continent; darters in the southeastern United States; and pupfish, livebearers, and goodeids, a large, native fish family in Mexico and the southwestern United States.

Fish families important for sport or commercial fisheries are also vulnerable to extinction. One of the most popular game species in the United States, striped bass, has populations on the list. Twenty-two percent of sunfishes, a family which includes the well-known species such as black bass, bluegill and rock bass, are listed as at risk.

The southeastern United States, the mid-Pacific coast, the lower Rio Grande and basins in Mexico that do not drain to the sea are losing their freshwater fish species more quickly than other regions.

"Human populations have greatly expanded in many of these watersheds, compounding negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems," said Howard Jelks, a USGS researcher and the senior author of the paper.

River systems that are both hotspots of regional biodiversity and also show the greatest levels of endangerment are the Tennessee, where 58 fishes are in jeopardy; the Mobile River with 57 fishes at risk; and the southeastern Atlantic Slope river systems where 34 fishes are imperiled.

The Pacific central valley, western Great Basin, Rio Grande and rivers of central Mexico also have high diversity and numbers of fish at risk of extinction, according to the report.

Many of the fish populations at risk are restricted to only a single drainage.

Of fish on the American Fisheries Society's 1989 imperiled list, 89 percent are either still listed with the same conservation status or have become even more at risk. Only 11 percent improved in status or were delisted.

The authors emphasize that improved public awareness and proactive management strategies are needed to protect and recover these and other aquatic species.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.