三聚氰胺風暴:美阿拉巴馬州發現受污染的中國製餅乾 | 環境資訊中心






阿拉巴馬州農業暨工業部長史帕克斯(Ron Sparks)表示,該部門的農業殘餘實驗室確認巧克力和草莓口味的無尾熊餅乾都含有三聚氰胺並建議消費者不要食用直接丟棄。


一消費者保護團體「食物與水監督組織」(Food and Water Watch)正要求美國政府效法其他國家,全面禁止中國乳製品進口並且立刻要求無尾熊餅乾產品全面回收。





「食物與水監督組織」執行長皓特(Wenonah Hauter)這樣表示:「我們不相信FDA說中國產品現在是安全的說法,因為至今FDA似乎比重視消費者安全更要重視鼓勵進口產品,現在FDA需要跟著其他先進國家的決定,採取禁止進口中國乳製品或是含有中國牛奶成分的加工食品,這樣才是保護國民健康的預防性措施。」

Melamine Scare Expands After Alabama Finds Tainted Chinese Cookies
WASHINGTON, DC, October 17, 2008 (ENS)

Chinese cookies found in Alabama stores have tested positive for high levels of the plastic melamine, triggering a demand from consumer organizations for a federal government ban on all food products from China containing milk proteins.

The recent deaths of four infants and the illnesses of 53,000 other children in China linked with the consumption of infant formula containing melamine have not resulted in a ban in the United States, although individual products, such as White Rabbit candy and Mr. Brown drinks, have been recalled.

Two weeks ago the U.S. Food and Drug Administration set "acceptable" levels for melamine in human food, but this measure has not kept contaminated products out of U.S. stores.

On Wednesday, the Alabama Department of Agriculture announced that Koala's March brand cookies found in Alabama stores have tested positive for melamine with levels that exceed the FDA's stated safe levels of exposure.

Alabama Agriculture and Industries Commissioner Ron Sparks said the department's Pesticide Residue Laboratory confirmed the presence of melamine in the strawberry and chocolate flavors of the cookies and advised consumers to discard the products.

The FDA has not issued a recall for the product, and despite assurances from the agency that the parent company, Lotte USA, is removing the product from the marketplace, Koala's March cookies are still present on U.S. shelves.

Food and Water Watch, a national consumer advocacy group, is demanding that the federal government follow the example of other countries that have closed their borders to Chinese dairy products and immediately issue a recall for Koala's March cookies.

The FDA has broadened its domestic and import sampling and testing of milk-derived ingredients and finished food products containing milk, such as candies, desserts, and beverages that could contain these ingredients from Chinese sources. Milk-derived ingredients include whole milk powder, non-fat milk powder, whey powder, lactose powder, and casein.

FDA officials said on a teleconference call October 8 that the Koala's March cookies the agency had tested were safe and they were working with the parent company and its U.S. subsidiary to get the product out of U.S. stores.

To date, Hong Kong, Macau, Canada and France have all banned the Koala March's cookies.

The European Commission is tightening its rules on Chinese imports, recently announcing that it will ban milk-containing products from China, and will test all other Chinese milk-containing products that are already in the EU.

"We cannot take FDA at their word that dairy products from China are safe, since at this point it seems that FDA is more concerned with promoting imports than protecting consumers," said Food and Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter. "It is time for FDA to follow the lead of countries around the world that have taken precautionary steps to protect their citizens by banning imports of Chinese dairy products and processed foods that contain Chinese milk ingredients."