G20(Group of 20)成員國領袖11月15日齊聚美國華盛頓特區進行全球金融危機特別高峰會議,將為尋找新興綠色經濟成長過程的解決方法施加壓力。
環境研究組織「看守世界研究中心(Worldwatch Institute)」資深研究員哥德納爾(Gary Gardner)及瑞納爾(Michael Renner)11月12日在華盛頓特區提出一份詳盡的計畫書,他們希望能將G20領袖們的注意力集中在這2位研究員所謂的一個「全球綠色交易(Global Green Deal)」計畫。
哥德納爾及瑞納爾寫道:「包括美國總統當選人(U.S. President-elect)歐巴馬(Barack Obama)在內,全球政治領袖的挑戰不僅在於努力啟動全球經濟,也要用對的方式進行,這些方式包括製造就業機會與穩定氣候、使用更少的水及殺蟲劑來增加糧食產出、以及以更平等的收入來增加榮景,這項牽連廣泛的計畫將需要一個類似美國在1930年代所提出的「新交易(New Deal)」的架構式藍圖,也需要在範圍及遠見上有更多更大膽的作為。」
美國總統及副總統當選人歐巴馬及拜登(Joe Biden)11月12日公開聲明他們不會以個人身份與G20的領袖們會面。他們已經指定前共和黨國會議員李奇(Jim Leach)及前國務卿(Secretary of State)歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)在G20高峰會議上代表他們與領袖代表們進行非正式會晤。
歐巴馬的資深外交政策顧問(Senior Foreign Policy Advisor)麥克唐納(Denis McDonough)表示:「這個週末的高峰會議是從全球許多最大經濟體領袖獲得回應的重要機會。布希總統應該因號召這個高峰會議而受到讚揚,但因為美國僅能由一位總統代表,所以總統當選人商請歐布萊特國務卿及麥克唐納議員這個經驗豐富的兩黨小組,務必代表他前往會晤並傾聽我們友人及伙伴的想法。」
G20是由20個經濟體所組成,包括19個全世界最大的國家經濟體以及歐盟。這些國家包括:阿根廷、澳洲、巴西、加拿大、中國、法國、德國、印度、印尼、義大利、日本、墨西哥、俄羅斯、沙烏地阿拉伯、南非、南韓、土耳其、英國、美國及歐盟。這20個國家囊括90%的全球國民生產總值(gross national product)、80%的世界貿易、以及2/3的世界人口。這次高峰會將是G20從1999年成立之後第一次的G20領袖會議。
【延伸閱讀】開創永續新經濟 《2008世界現況》告訴您
When the leaders of the G20 countries gather in Washington this weekend for a special summit on the global financial crisis, pressure will be on to seek solutions in the growth of a new green economy.
Today in Washington, Gary Gardner and Michael Renner, senior researchers with the environmental research organization Worldwatch Institute, issued a detailed proposal that they hope will focus the attention of the G20 leaders on what they are calling a "Global Green Deal."
"The challenge for global political leadership, including U.S. President-elect [Barack] Obama, is not merely to kickstart the global economy, but to do so in a way that creates jobs and stabilizes climate, increases food output using less water and pesticides, and generates prosperity with greater equality of incomes," write Gardner and Renner.
"This broad approach will require a conceptual blueprint evocative of America's 1930s New Deal, but more audacious in scope and vision," they write.
"This historic moment calls for not merely repairs to our hyper-productive, yet ailing, economy, but for a new approach suited to the realities of a heavily populated and environmentally stressed world - a Global Green Deal that shifts the focus from growth to development, and that is geared less to providing consumerist superfluities than to ensuring that nobody's true needs go unmet."
President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden today announced that they will not meet personally with G20 leaders. They have designated former Republican Congressman Jim Leach and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to meet unofficially with delegations at the G-20 summit on their behalf.
Obama Senior Foreign Policy Advisor Denis McDonough said, "This weekend's summit is an important opportunity to hear from the leaders of many of the world's largest economies. President [George W.] Bush should be commended for calling the summit. There is one president at a time in the United States, so the president-elect has asked Secretary Albright and Congressman Leach, an experienced and bipartisan team, to be available meet with and listen to our friends and allies on his behalf."
The G20 is a group of 20 economies - 19 of the world's largest national economies, plus the European Union. They are: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, European Union.
Together, the G20 economies make up 90 percent of global gross national product, 80 percent of world trade and two-thirds of the world's population. This will be the first G20 meeting at the leaders level since the G20 was established in 1999.