堪薩斯地域化學調查發現,9個堪薩斯社區的供水系統的放射性元素鈾含量超過聯邦標準,參與的地域化學家懷特默(Don Whittemore)表示,這些社區必須提出降低鈾含量的方法。
包括奧加拉拉的高地蓄水層(High Plains aquifer)供應西堪薩斯大部分的飲用水。
仍有9個社區和水區的供水處不符合環保署標準,分別是Atwood, 克萊縣(Clay Center), Gaylord, Morganville, Norton, 歐柏林(Oberlin), 萊金(Lakin), 魯克斯縣郊區第一水區(Rooks Couty Rural Water District 1)和花園市一個轄區。這份調查尚未開始監測私人用井。
The radioactive element uranium has been found above federal limits in the drinking water supplies of nine Kansas communities, says Don Whittemore, a geochemist with the Kansas Geological Survey. Now these communities must devise solutions to bring down the uranium levels.
Possible solutions include relocating wells, buying water from other suppliers, or installing a treatment system, such as reverse osmosis.
In 2003 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency set a drinking water standard for uranium at a maximum contamination level of 30 parts per billion and gave public water providers until December 2007 to complete monitoring. Not all Kansas communities were able to meet the standard.
"The Arkansas River corridor in southwestern Kansas is especially susceptible to levels of uranium above EPA standards due to water-consuming agricultural practices in eastern Colorado," said Whittemore.
"Low levels of naturally occurring uranium picked up by the river from Cretaceous shales in Colorado are increased as water is lost to evaporation and transpiration," he explained."Low levels of naturally occurring uranium picked up by the river from Cretaceous shales in Colorado are increased as water is lost to evaporation and transpiration," he explained.
Water from the river and shallow aquifers in Colorado is diverted into irrigation canals, farm fields, and reservoirs, giving it greater exposure to evaporation and transpiration. As a result, flows decline and concentrations of almost all chemical constituents, including uranium, increase before the river enters Kansas.
"When these enriched levels are added to natural uranium already present in groundwater in portions of the Ogallala aquifer in Kansas, it doesn't take much to get above the standard," Whittemore said.
The High Plains aquifer, which includes the Ogallala, is the source of most drinking water in western Kansas.
Some cities along the Arkansas River, including Garden City and Dodge City, have approaches in place to reduce contaminants and they were able to meet EPA standards.
But nine Kansas communities and water districts must now deal with water supplies that consistently registered above federal standards. They are - Atwood, Clay Center, Gaylord, Morganville, Norton, Oberlin, Lakin, Rooks County Rural Water District 1, and a Garden City subdivision. Private wells are not monitored.
"Like mercury and arsenic, uranium can be toxic in high doses over a long period," Whittemore said.
As in the Arkansas River valley, high levels of uranium in other parts of the state are derived from Cretaceous-age shales deposited between 65 and 142 million years ago. The uranium leaches into the groundwater when the subsurface shales are weathered by rainfall recharge.
In Kansas, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment's Bureau of Water is responsible for regulating all public water supply systems and has adopted the EPA's drinking water standards.
The EPA also recommends secondary, nonbinding, standards for dissolved solids, such as sulfate and chloride. High levels of these nontoxic salts and minerals, common in the Arkansas River system, negatively affect the aesthetic qualities of water, including taste, smell, and color, but are not generally considered to be health hazards.