印地安那州政府餐廳 全面採用生物可分解塑膠容器 | 環境資訊中心

印地安那州政府餐廳 全面採用生物可分解塑膠容器




印地安那州政府綠化計劃經理人季登斯(Phillip Giddens)表示,「政府與C.A.F.E.集團合作,將政府大樓內餐廳所供應的餐具,由石油製塑膠替換至以玉米為基礎製成塑膠,不但符合經濟效益,亦對環境友善」。

印地安那州「玉米產銷班新用委員會」主席,也是貝京鎮玉米農的戈布雷斯(David Gottbrath)指出,「現在愈來愈多消費者和業者積極尋求同時兼顧經濟效益又能保護環境的方法,我想未來像是Cereplast公司所生產的玉米製成塑膠將會廣受歡迎和進用」。






 印地安那州州長丹尼爾(Mitch Daniels)2007年12月在Cereplast公司宣布投資計劃的場合上表示,「Cereplast公司正如我們所感興趣的那種企業。這樣獨一無二的公司不但有順應市場需求變化的能力,又有快速膨勃的潛力,而Cereplast公司嘉惠印地安那州,是我們的殊榮」。

Cereplast公司董事長兼執行長希爾(Frederic Scheer)指出,「經過通盤的思考後,我們決定將廠址設在位於中西部中心的印地安那州,因為原物料取得便捷讓我們可以在生產過程中,減少運送線上的碳排放量」。

Indiana Government Cafeterias Switch to Bio-Plastic Containers
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, December 16, 2008 (ENS)

Indiana public employees and visitors to the Government Center's cafeterias will now be eating and drinking out of bio-based plastic containers made from Cereplast compostable resins.

As of Monday, biodegradable and compostable cold-drink cups and containers are being used on the salad bars in both the cafeterias of the Government Center. Cafeteria customers will not see a price increase due to the switch.

"Working with the Group to transition our Government Center cafeterias from petroleum-based plastics to corn-based plastics, makes sense both economically and environmentally," said Phillip Giddens, director of Indiana's Greening the Government program.

"As more and more consumers and businesses look for economical ways to make positive environmental choices, demand for corn-based plastics like those from Cereplast will continue to increase," said David Gottbrath, chair of the Indiana Corn Marketing Council's New Uses Committee and a farmer from Pekin, Indiana.

"This is a great example of the kinds of innovations that are possible when government, private industry and Indiana's corn farmers partner and collaborate," he said.

"Through the Indiana corn checkoff, we - as corn producers - are excited to help market and promote the use of corn-based plastic in the Government Center," said Gottbrath.

Headquartered in the Los Angeles suburb of Hawthorne, California, Cereplast manufactures two families of plastic resins based on biopolymers and mixtures of plant starches.

Its Cereplast Compostables product line, certified as biodegradable and compostable in the United States and Europe, replaces 100 percent of the petroleum-based additives found in traditional plastics with renewable, plant-based starches.

Its Cereplast Hybrid Resins replaces half or more of the petroleum-based content in plastic resin with bio-based compounds such as cornstarch or tapioca starch.

"Cereplast is exactly the kind of business that we're most interested in attracting. A unique company like this that has market-changing possibilities and the potential for rapid growth is a big win for Indiana," said Governor Mitch Daniels last December, when the Cereplast investment was announced.

Frederic Scheer, Chairman and CEO of Cereplast, said, "After a long search we decided to settle down in Indiana for this facility, in the heart of the Midwest, where we have easy access to our raw materials allowing us to reduce the carbon footprint of our operations by reducing transportation lines."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.