世界溼地日 澳洲庫隆溼地面臨生態危機 | 環境資訊中心

世界溼地日 澳洲庫隆溼地面臨生態危機


庫隆溼地正面臨日漸乾枯的危機。圖片提供: Andy Burton澳洲工黨政府2月2日在世界溼地日的活動儀式上,針對前自由黨政府對於拉姆薩溼地公約下正式指定的65處溼地管理方式,做出強烈的抨擊。





倡議溼地保護組織者在世界濕地日高舉口號進行訴求。圖片提供:Kazzawhoo專家學者將溼地的乾枯歸咎於氣候變化。2008年5月,墨瑞-達令流域委員會(Murray-Darling Basin Commission)執行長克瑞克博士公佈澳洲政府的結論:「有越來越多的證據顯示,澳洲東南方降雨量和逕流的減少,與氣候變化有關。」聯邦和南澳政府也計劃透過下湖區將海水引入淡水溼地。



乾涸危機下庫隆溼地的落日。圖片提供: Fabio de Francesco     鳥瞰River Murray注入南邊海洋之景象 。圖片提供:Gary


World Wetlands Day: An Australian Wetland in Crisis
CANBERRA, Australia, February 2, 2009 (ENS)

Today, Australia's Labor government used the occasion of World Wetlands Day to slam the former Liberal government for its treatment of the country's 65 wetlands that are officially designated under the Ramsar treaty.

World Wetlands Day marks the date of the signing of the Convention on Wetlands on February 2, 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

The Ramsar Snapshot Study Report looks at the status and management of all 65 Australian Ramsar sites and assesses the completeness and currency of Ramsar site documentation for Australian Ramsar sites.

The Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region is a national park and lagoon ecosystem in South Australia, 156 kilometers southeast of Adelaide. This wetland forms at the terminus of the longest and largest river in Australia, the River Murray. The park is characterized by a complex interaction of sea water, the river water, rainfall and groundwater.

The Coorong and Lakes Alexandrina and Albert Ramsar site and many other Australian wetlands are increasingly drying. The two year period to the end of November 2007 is the lowest Murray System two year inflow period on record, according to a federal government report.

Experts are blaming the drought on climate change. In May 2008, Murray-Darling Basin Commission Chief Executive Dr. Wendy Craik announced the Australian government's conclusion that, "There is growing evidence that lower rainfall and reduced runoff in southeast Australia is linked to climate change."

The federal and South Australia governments have proposed to allow saltwater to flow into the freshwater wetlands through the lower lakes.

In October 2008, the Greens' Senate Inquiry into water management in the Coorong and Lower Lakes found that, "contrary to the federal government's pessimistic view," a total of 60 gigalitres of fresh water by September 2009 is all that is required to provide enough environmental flow to stop Lakes Alexandrina and Albert from drying up and acidifying in the short term.

The Coorong crisis has been building over a long time. In 2005, Nick Roberts of the Victorian National Parks Association said, "Australia has signed the Ramsar treaty to say we would maintain the ecological character of the Coorong as it was in 1985. We are failing this promise."

In his World Wetlands Day message, Environment Minister Garrett blamed the previous government. Of the Snapshot Report, he said, "Page after page highlights the serious ecological and management issues and challenges regarding Australia's Ramsar Convention administration, the failures of the past and suggests a number of areas where implementation of the Ramsar Convention in Australia can be improved."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.