因應氣候變遷 國際「調適」網絡成立 | 環境資訊中心

因應氣候變遷 國際「調適」網絡成立


漁民們正分享補撈來之漁獲。圖片提供:Lucy Davies為協助全球氣候變遷下「最脆弱的生態體系與社群」,一個集結眾多資源管理者、科學家及決策者的新國際「調適」網路因應而生。

「生態系與生計調適網路」(Ecosystems and Livelihoods Adaptation Network)簡稱為ELAN,是由兩個全球最大的保育組織共同合作。而兩個組織總部都是在瑞士城鎮格蘭,分別是世界自然保育聯盟(IUCN)及世界自然基金會(WWF)。

麥克阿瑟基金會(John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation)於2月3日宣布,將提供200萬美元做為ELAN初創的財源支持。他們表示,「這筆資金將能讓更多機構參與行動,並使ELAN成為一個有效率的網路,來因應面臨的種種挑戰。」

WWF主席兼執行長羅伯斯(Carter Roberts)回應道,「麥克阿瑟基金會的大力金援,讓WWF和IUCN方能開發並施行許多重要措施,提供協助保護脆弱的生態體系,以及藉由基金會支持而得以維持生計的社群。」

位於Mongolia 的雨林。圖片提供:Uncommon VistasELAN主要特色是能夠連結各種調適體系與生態系管理體系,並藉由網路平台將資訊全球化分享出去。而利用這種分散式的做法,各機構和聯盟團體現行的氣候變遷調適措施將能擴大影響力。


位於Macedonia的湖泊開始產生乾竭危機。圖片提供: Davcevski各組織籌畫將ELAN作為一種媒介,廣大集結科學家、資源管理者及各地與跨區的決策者,以確保生態體系管理辦法能根據最新科學和實際經驗而發揮最大的效用。


New Global Climate Adaptation Network in the Works
GLAND, Switzerland, February 5, 2009 (ENS)

A new international network of resource managers, scientists and decision-makers is being forged to help some of the most vulnerable ecosystems and societies cope with the impacts of global climate change.

The Ecosystems and Livelihoods Adaptation Network, or ELAN, is being created as a collaboration between two of the world's largest environmental organizations - the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and WWF International - both based in the Swiss town of Gland.

ELAN's formation will be bankrolled with a $2 million grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the organizations announced Tuesday. The funding will enable more institutions to participate and establish ELAN as an effective network to face the adaptation challenge, they said.

"This generous grant from the MacArthur Foundation will enable WWF and IUCN to develop and implement important measures that will help protect fragile ecosystems and the societies whose livelihoods they support," said Carter Roberts, president and chief executive of WWF.

A key feature of ELAN will be its ability to link various adaptation and ecosystem management networks and serve as platform for sharing information globally. This decentralized approach will leverage existing climate adaptation efforts being undertaken by various institutions and consortia.

"Make no mistake: mitigation efforts to reduce emissions are vital if we are to keep climate change from surpassing a dangerous and rapidly approaching threshold," said Roberts. "But the fact is, the effects of climate disruption are already upon us and are growing rapidly. While curbing emissions, we must also prepare for and respond to the impacts - we must adapt."

The organizations plan to use ELAN as a tool to connect scientific researchers with resource managers and local and regional decision-makers to ensure ecosystem-based management approaches benefit from the latest science, and practical experiences. The organizations plan to use ELAN as a tool to connect scientific researchers with resource managers and local and regional decision-makers to ensure ecosystem-based management approaches benefit from the latest science, and practical experiences.

The two organizations conceive of ELAN as a means to accelerate the application of existing knowledge while expanding that knowledge capacity and creating additional resources.