美參議院通過經濟振興方案 釋出綠領工作機會 | 環境資訊中心

美參議院通過經濟振興方案 釋出綠領工作機會


白宮將展開一系列綠領振興方案 圖片提供:Leon Reed美國參議院10日通過8380億美元的經濟振興法案,內容包括數十億美元針對再生能源、環境復育、國家公園、潔淨車輛以及能源效率等項目的經費挹注與減稅方案。目前參眾議員們正針對方案細節做最後協調,結果將於週末前送往白宮。

參議院少數黨領袖同時也是內華達民主黨員瑞德(Harry Reid)說:「我們必須火速的與眾議院達成立法協議,盡快將結果呈報總統。此項立法衍生了很多豐富的論辯,不過現在已經沒時間了,我們必須盡快呼應美國民眾等著政府行動的期盼。」

大多數的共和黨參議員反對此條法案,認為這對經濟一點幫助也沒有。參議院少數黨領袖同時也是共和黨肯塔基州議員麥肯尼爾(Mitch McConnell)認為:「法案不過是把『娛樂當作刺激消費』,我們不過是拿其他人的錢來冒這個險,這風險實在太大了」

美國電廠的電路傳輸設備法案若通過將一律更新現代化 。圖片提供:Craig Bennett。然而歐巴馬的擁互者紛紛為其解危,包括許多原本利益相衝突的團體,例如環保人士、勞工運動者、美國商業總會、美國製造業協會與其他企業團體,皆贊同此方案。



身為美國野生動物基金會(National Wildlife Federation)負責政策與立法遊說的資深主管科爾頓(Adam Kolton)表示:「我們希望國會能達成這項在教育、乾淨能源以及美國自然資源上都投入大筆經費的計畫,讓所有的準備工作快速上馬,並更快創造就業機會。」

Senate Passes Stimulus Plan, Tough Negotiations Loom
J.R. Pegg WASHINGTON, DC, February 10, 2009 (ENS) -

The U.S. Senate today approved an $838 billion economic stimulus bill, including billions of dollars in spending and tax credits for renewable energy, environmental restoration, national parks, cleaner cars and energy efficiency programs. Lawmakers from the House and the Senate must now reconcile major differences in their competing stimulus bills, with the hope of getting the final package to the White House by week's end.

"We must move swiftly with our colleagues in the House to complete work on the legislation and send it to the president's desk as soon as possible," said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat. "The time for debate on this legislation was productive but it is over ... we must now answer the urgent call of the American people for action."

But the majority of Senate Republicans railed against the bill, suggesting it will do little to help the economy.

The bill is "a spending spree that masquerades as a stimulus," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican. "We are taking an enormous risk with other peoples' money ?I won't take that risk."

But proponents echoed President Barack Obama's plea for action and noted that a long list of competing interests have voiced support for the bill, including environmentalists, labor advocates, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers and other industry groups.

Speaking Monday at a town hall meeting in Elkhart, Indiana, a place that has lost jobs faster than anywhere else in America, President Obama had urged lawmakers to move on the stimulus bill.

"It's not perfect, but it is the right size, it is the right scope, broadly speaking it has the right priorities to create jobs that will jump-start our economy and transform this economy for the 21st century," Obama said.

Both the green building effort and the weatherization program, which helps low-income families make energy efficient changes to their homes, have been promoted by President Obama as a critical part of the stimulus plan.

"When people suggest that what a waste of money to make federal buildings more energy efficient - why would that be a waste of money?" the president said Monday night at a press conference. "We're creating jobs immediately by retrofitting these buildings or weatherizing two million Americans' homes."

Adam Kolton, the National Wildlife Federation's senior director of congressional and federal affairs, said, "We hope Congressional negotiators maintain the House bill's strong investments in education, clean energy and America's natural resources - all proven ways to stimulate shovel-ready projects and rapidly create jobs."