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圖為巴西亞馬遜雨林Juma地區的一部份;圖片提供:Marriott InternationalMarriott在4月7日簽署一份協定,將和顧客一起資助巴西一個非營利組織:亞馬遜州永續基金會(Amazonas Sustainable Foundation)。


Marriott先投入200萬支持Juma雨林計畫,作為Marriott旅館系統排放溫室氣體的碳補償。Marriott財務總監兼環境委員會主席索倫森(Arne Sorenson)表示:「雨林是地球的肺,保護雨林是改善氣候最重要的一種方式。」

索倫森說:「國際保育組織(Conservation International)和其他環境專家都曾表示,影響全球溫室氣體排放量和氣候變遷的各樣因素中,熱帶雨林的破壞佔20%影響力。」



亞馬遜州長布拉加(Eduardo Braga)表示:「這個巴西第一個針對森林砍伐的碳補償計畫,在全世界也是頭幾個。」在Marriott消費的個人和團體將可以透過資助這筆基金,付出住旅館的碳補償。




Marriott會選用的環境友善商品還包括用回收塑膠生產的BIC Ecolutions筆、低毒性低揮發性的有機油漆和標準紡織(Standard Textile)出產的免下水毛巾,省掉第一次下水的步驟每年可減少幾百萬加侖用水。


Marriott Guests Invited to Save Rainforest, Climate for $1/Day
BETHESDA, Maryland, April 16, 2009 (ENS) -

Hotelier Marriott International, Inc. and the Brazilian state of Amazonas are working together to protect endangered rainforest and at the same time protect the climate by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation.

Under an agreement signed April 7, Marriott and its customers will contribute to a fund administered by the Amazonas Sustainable Foundation, a nonprofit public interest institution in Brazil.

The money will be used to monitor and protect the 1.4 million acre Juma Sustainable Development reserve, an area rich in biodiversity in a high risk deforestation zone.
Marriott has committed an initial $2 million to fund the Juma rainforest project as part of its commitment to offset the climate-warming greenhouse gases emitted by operations at Marriott properties.

"Conserving rainforests, the lungs of the Earth, is one of the most important things we can do to improve the climate," says Chief Financial Officer Arne Sorenson, who co-chairs Marriott's Executive Green Council.

"According to Conservation International and other environmental experts, the destruction of tropical forests contributes 20 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions and fuels climate change," he said.

Without this intervention, up to 62 percent of the Juma rainforest would be lost to illegal deforestation activities by 2050, resulting in four million tons of carbon emissions in the first 10 years alone. Habitat for 21 species of primates and other wildlife in the forest would be destroyed.

The new fund also will support 2,500 residents of the Juma reserve who will help protect the rainforest from illegal farming and logging. Contributions will help fund personnel and equipment to monitor and protect the forest, a school and education curriculum, a medical facility and a community center.

"This is the first project on reducing emissions from deforestation in Brazil and one of the first in the world," said Amazonas Governor Eduardo Braga. Marriott guests and group customers will be able to offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated from their hotel stays by contributing to this rainforest fund.

Guests are invited to make a donation to the Juma rainforest fund when they make a reservation on Ten dollars will offset the carbon dioxide emissions for 10 roomnights at Marriott hotels and the donation is tax deductible for U.S. taxpayers.
Last year, Marriott announced its "Spirit To Preserve" environmental strategy to address climate change. Under the plan, Marriott will work towards greening its $10 billion supply chain, reducing fuel and water consumption by 25 percent per available room, and installing solar power at up to 40 hotels by 2017.

Recently, Marriott headquarters, along with its timeshare division based in Orlando, Florida, replaced more than 2.5 million pieces of Styrofoam and plastic utensils with tableware made of potato, sugar cane and cornstarch - all biodegradable within an average of 100 days.

Some of the first environmentally-friendly products Marriott will use are BIC Ecolutions pens made from pre-consumer recycled plastic; paint low in toxic volatile organic compounds; and "room-ready" towels by Standard Textile, which will saves millions of gallons of water annually by eliminating the initial wash cycle.

Other items under consideration include compostable key cards, recyclable carpet, and more responsibly packaged soaps and shampoos.