加拿大納漢尼國家公園 擴大六倍 | 環境資訊中心

加拿大納漢尼國家公園 擴大六倍


保育人士慶祝加拿大環境部長潘迪思(Jim Prentice)、「DehCho First Nations」(備註:加拿大西北領地的Dene和Métis原住民所組成的團體)大酋長安東尼(Gerald Antonie),共同于6月9號宣布,擴大位于西北地區堪稱全球生態寶藏的納漢尼(Nahanni)國家公園保護區範圍的消息。在維吉尼亞瀑布上游的納漢尼河上泛舟。Mangrove Mike攝


納漢尼國家公園保護區位於西北地區的西南角落,傳統Dehcho原住民的居住地。至今,光是南納漢尼、平坦河流下游南方公園覆蓋面積就有4766平方公里( 1862平方英里)。

擴大後的公園邊界將保護3萬平方公里( 12,000平方英里)以上灰熊、林地、馴鹿、達爾綿羊的棲息地、南納漢尼河流經Dehcho境内的河段、加拿大在西北地區最高的山和最大的冰川、最深的峽谷等地區。


加拿大野生動物保護協會的韋弗(John Weaver)博士在他2007年發表的報告裏警告說,整個麥肯齊(Mackenzie)河流域,包括石油和天然氣開發和採礦等主要的工業開發行爲所帶來的問題極度嚴重。因此,解決公園涵蓋範圍不夠廣的問題是當務之急。

「韋弗博士的研究為界定新的公園範圍提供了紥實的科學基礎,同時也確保其生態完整性,」伍德利(Stephen Woodley)博士,加拿大首席公園科學家說。


加拿大總理哈珀(Stephen Harper)2007年在辛普森堡說:「加拿大雖然得天獨厚遍佈宏偉的地理景觀,但再也沒有比納漢尼公園更壯觀的了。」當時就許下擴大公園界限的諾言,而此擧「無疑是這一世代最重要的環保行為。

Canada Enlarges Nahanni National Park Sixfold
OTTAWA, Canada, June 9, 2009 (ENS)

Conservationists are celebrating the announcement today by Canadian Environment Minister Jim Prentice and DehCho First Nations Grand Chief Gerald Antoine of the final boundaries for the expanded Nahanni National Park Reserve in the Northwest Territories, an ecological treasure of global significance.

The massive expansion increases the size of the park reserve by over six times. The world famous park reserve is now nearly seven times the size of the original one established in 1972 and more than three times larger than Yellowstone National Park in the United States.

The Nahanni National Park Reserve is located in the southwest corner of the Northwest Territories, in the traditional territory of the Dehcho First Nations. Until now, Nahanni has covered an area of 4,766 square kilometers (1,862 square miles) and encompassed only the lower reaches of the South Nahanni and Flat Rivers.

Nahanni new boundary will now protect over 30,000 km2 (12,000 square miles) of habitat for grizzly bears, woodland caribou and Dall sheep. It will protect the length of the South Nahanni River in the Dehcho, the highest mountains and largest glaciers in the Northwest Territories and the deepest canyons in Canada.

The globally unique caves, canyons, rock towers, poljes and sinkholes of the Nahanni North Karst will be inside the new park boundary.

In his 2007 report, Dr. John Weaver of the Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, warned that major industrial developments across the Mackenzie River basin, including oil and gas development and mining, were imminent, so the need to address the problem of the park inadequate boundaries was urgent.

"The studies carried out by Dr. Weaver provided the solid scientific basis for revising the Park boundary to help ensure its ecological integrity," said Dr. Stephen Woodley, chief scientist for Parks Canada.

Besides the unique concentration of karst caves, the region also contains the deepest river canyons anywhere in Canada, which resemble sections of the Grand Canyon in the United States. It also contains large hotsprings mounds that are similar to Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park. And Virginia Falls in the center of the Park Reserve are twice as high as Niagara Falls. The United Nations recognized Nahanni National Park Reserve as the first UNESCO World Heritage Site.

"Canada is blessed with magnificent geography from coast to coast to coast, but none more spectacular than Nahanni Park," Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in Fort Simpson, in 2007, making his promise to enlarge the park. "This is arguably the most important act of environmental protection in a generation."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.