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天然氣公司捐100萬加幣 保育加拿大候鳥


翻石鷸,一種鷸鴴科鳥類 。Larry Hennessy攝 今年夏天,正當數百萬的候鳥從南方避寒地,北飛到加拿大哺育下一代,非營利保育機構「自然加拿大」(Nature Canada)宣布,加拿大天然氣巨頭TransCanada公司將支持一項保護全國各地重要鳥類棲息地的行動。

TransCanada公司已承諾在未來五年內,捐贈一百萬加幣,協助建構「加拿大重要鳥類棲地守護者網絡」(Important Bird Area Caretakers Network)。透過此行動,在全國各地的社區內建立一個志願守護者網點。守護者在各自的重要鳥類棲地扮演監督和保護的角色。加拿大全國有597個「重要鳥類棲地」(IBAs)。




加拿大候鳥身處危機。據加拿大野生動物局的説法,最近的數量調查顯示, 45種沿岸候鳥中,至少有三分之二呈現下降趨勢。此外,許多沿岸候鳥的物種,有些遠從南美洲南端的火地島,千里迢迢飛抵加拿大後,卻要面對濕地排水、污染或有礙棲息地生態的問題,影響他們的生存。



TransCanada Corp. Donates $1M to Migratory Bird Conservation
OTTAWA, Canada, June 11, 2009 (ENS)

As millions of migratory birds fly north from their wintering grounds to breed in Canada this summer, conservation nonprofit Nature Canada has announced that natural gas giant TransCanada Corporation will support an initiative to protect important bird habitaft across the country.

TransCanada Corporation has committed C$1 million over the next five years as a national sponsor of the Canadian Important Bird Area Caretakers Network. The nationwide initiative will establish a volunteer network of caretakers who will watch over and protect Important Bird Areas in their communities.

There are 597 Important Bird Areas across Canada.

Nature Canada and provincial naturalist organizations met May 25-26 to formally begin the work of establishing the Important Bird Areas Caretaker Network. A public launch event is planned for the fall in Ottawa.

Volunteer caretakers, who can be individuals or nature groups, will help conserve Important Bird Areas by surveying bird populations, building nest boxes, erecting signs, removing invasive species, planting native grasses, and promoting awareness of the value of wildlife.

"Support from partners like TransCanada means there will be eyes and ears on the ground at IBAs to increase awareness and undertake conservation action," said Mara Kerry, Nature Canada's director of conservation. "This will help ensure a brighter future for birds, and help to preserve healthy ecosystems for birds, other wildlife, and people."

Canadian migratory birds are at risk. Recent population surveys suggest that for 45 species of migratory shorebirds, at least two-thirds are in decline, according to the Canadian Wildlife Service. Many species of shorebirds migrate over vast distances - as far away as Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of South America, but when they arrive in Canada wetland drainage, pollution or disturbance on their nesting grounds may be making their lives difficult.

"Canada has a unique responsibility with respect to shorebirds because more than half of the breeding range for many species occurs in Canada. This is especially true for 15 arctic-nesting species where 86 percent of the breeding range in the Western Hemisphere occurs in Canada," the Wildlife Service says.

An Ottawa-based charity, Nature Canada is one of more than 100 conservation organizations working together as partners with BirdLife International, based in the UK, to promote sustainable living as a means to conserve biodiversity.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.