「泛美人權委員會」(Inter-American Commission on Human Rights)下令巴拿馬政府,暫停所有對巴拿馬西部Ngobe(美洲原住民)印第安人家園構成威脅的水電大壩工程。
名為「Chan-75」的大壩建設工程橫跨位于博卡斯德爾托羅(Bocas del Toro)省森林密布和人口稀少的(Changuinola)河。該工程是由巴拿馬政府和維吉尼亞州能源巨頭AES公司的子公司,AES - Changuinola共同興建。
委員會有鑒于AES - Changuinola在去年把推土機駛入工地開始大肆剷平房屋和耕地,Ngobe原住民因此遞交請願書後,所裁定的結果。而當原住民群起抗議保衛家園時,政府不僅派出鎮壓警察毆打並拘捕村民,婦女和小孩無一幸免,而且還在社區外圍架設常態性封鎖線,以防止閑雜人等進入該地區。
非盈利「文化傳承機構執」行主任兼Ngobe原住民首席代表律師盧茨(Ellen Lutz)警告說:「大壩還將造成名列教科文組織的世界遺產--阿米斯特德(Amistad)生物圈保護區裏大壩上游"重大的環境損害"。」
阿米斯特德國際和平公園由巴拿馬和哥斯大黎加兩國共同管理,是聖龐薩(San Pond Sak)濕地保護區的主要水源地。此外,「拉姆薩爾國際濕地公約」(Ramsar Convention)指定該保護區為國際重要濕地。濕地内有沿海潟湖、紅樹林、渠道、濕地、灘塗、沿海海洋環境以及昌奎諾拉河。
AES - Changuinola S.A. 公司是AES公司在拉丁美洲營運項目的一部分。而AES公司則是全球最大的能源企業之一。 AES 巴拿馬(AES Panama)目前是巴拿馬最大的能源供應者,也是中美洲最大的私營水力發電能源供應者。
但這一說法卻遭到聯合國特別報告員阿納亞(James Anaya)在2009年5月12日,針對人權和原住民基本自由現狀發表的報告所駁斥。
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has ordered the government of Panama to suspend all work on a hydroelectric dam that threatens the homeland of the Ngobe Indians of western Panama.
In a ruling Thursday, the commission granted the Ngobe's request for an injuction that stops construction of the dam to prevent any further threat to the community and the environment.
The Chan-75 Dam is being built across the Changuinola River in the heavily forested and sparsely populated province of Bocas del Toro by the government of Panama and a subsidiary of the Virginia-based energy giant AES Corporation.
The commission's ruling results from a petition filed last year by the Ngobe, after AES-Changuinola began bulldozing houses and farming plots. When the Ng鐽e protested the destruction of their homes, the government sent in riot police who beat and arrested villagers, including women and children, and then set up a permanent cordon around the community to prevent anyone from entering the area.
The Chan-75 Dam would inundate four Ngobe villages that are home to about 1,000 people. Another 4,000 Ngobe living in neighboring villages would be affected by the destruction of their transportation routes, flooding of their agricultural plots, lack of their access to their farmlands, and reduction or elimination of fish that are an important protein source in their diet.
The dam also would cause "grave environmental harm" to the La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site upriver from the dam site, warns Ellen Lutz, executive director of the nonprofit Cultural Survival and lead counsel for the Ngobe.
La Amistad International Peace Park, managed jointly by Panama and Costa Rica, is a major water source for the San San Pond Sak Wetland Reserve, a designated Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention. It includes coastal lagoons, mangroves, channels, wetlands, beaches and marine coastal environments, as well as the Changuinola River.
AES-Changuinola S.A. is part of the Latin American operations of AES Corporation, one of the world largest global energy businesses. AES Panama is currently the country largest energy generator and the largest private hydroelectric generator in Central America.
The company claims, "From the beginning of the project's development AES has fully observed all laws of the Republic of Panama, in strict adherence of respect for the integrity and human rights of persons who currently reside in areas surrounding the project."
But this assertion on the company's part is disputed by a report issued by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, James Anaya, on May 12, 2009.