為防止商業捕撈活動破壞生態系,美國商務部長駱家輝(Gary Locke)於8月20日決定在研究人員收集到足夠魚類和北極海洋環境的信息以便實施保育措施前,將在聯邦北極水域内禁止擴大商業性捕撈行爲。
於8月20日獲批的北極漁業管理計劃(Arctic Fishery Management Plan)將按即將在聯邦登記冊中公佈的法規施行。
北太平洋漁業管理委員會(North Pacific Fishery Management Council)和美國國家海洋暨大氣總署(NOAA)漁業局(Fisheries Service)將在授予捕撈許可前明列相關規定的程序,同時也會加以監測和定期調整該計劃。
Once ice-bound even in summer, climate change now is thawing the Arctic in summer, opening up waters that commercial fishing interests are eager to harvest.
To prevent ecosystem damage due to commercial harvesting activity, U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke today decided to prohibit the expansion of commercial fishing in federal Arctic waters until researchers gather enough information on fish and the Arctic marine environment to put safeguards in place.
Fisheries managers have identified Arctic cod, saffron cod, and snow crab as likely initial target species for commercial fishing in the region.
The Arctic Fishery Management Plan approved today will be implemented through regulations to be published in the Federal Register.
The plan governs any future commercial fishing for finfish and shellfish in federal waters, except Pacific salmon and Pacific halibut, which are managed under other authorities.
It does not affect fisheries for salmon, whitefish and shellfish in Alaskan waters near the Arctic shore.
Subsistence fishing or hunting in the Arctic are not affected by the management plan.
Under the plan, in any new Arctic fisheries that may be approved in the future, fishermen will be required to keep records that will help determine catch, production, effort, price, and other information necessary for conservation and management.
Fishermen may be required to carry certified fisheries observers on board in order to verify catch quantity and composition, track at-sea discards, and collect biological information on marine resources.
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council and NOAA's Fisheries Service will establish prescribed procedures before authorizing a future fishery, and will monitor and adjust the plan periodically.
These adjustments might include annual total allowable catch levels and in-season adjustments through gear modifications, closures, fishing area restrictions, and quota restrictions.
Click here to read the Arctic Fishery Management Plan.