雪梨街樹殺手 當局施罰1百萬美元 | 環境資訊中心

雪梨街樹殺手 當局施罰1百萬美元


雪梨皇家植物園内高大挺拔的玫瑰桉。圖片由 S.F. Trajan 提供。澳洲雪梨市長於8月24日表示,毒死雪梨城郊區亞歷山大縣的兩棵大型橡膠樹的人將面臨1百萬美元的罰鍰。

雪梨市長摩爾(Clover Moore)表示,「蓄意毒害這兩棵約15公尺(49英尺)高茂盛和健康的樹木,是既不負責任也令人痛心的行爲。」


雪梨市保護樹木指令(City of Sydney Tree Preservation Order)目的為確保樹木得到適當的保護和管理。根據這項指令,任何人未經允許刻意傷害或毀壞樹木,即屬違法。將處以高達1.1百萬美元的罰鍰。

挺拔的玫瑰桉(Eucalyptus grandis)和脂桉(Eucalyptus microcorys)是亞歷山大縣位於亨特利街北面,介於勞倫斯街和尤斯頓巷之間唯一的街樹。



該市將移除枯死的樹木,並以3棵大型沃倫加拉白桉(Eucalyptus scoparia)取代。



Sydney Threatens to Fine Tree-Killers One Million Dollars
SYDNEY, Australia, August 24, 2009 (ENS)

Whoever poisoned two large gum trees in the Sydney inner-city suburb of Alexandria is facing a million dollar fine, the mayor said today.

"This deliberate poisoning which killed two strong and healthy trees, both about 15 metres (49 feet) tall, is both irresponsible and distressing," said Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP.

"This act is a serious criminal offence," she said, "and those caught and convicted face fines of up to a million dollars."

The City of Sydney Tree Preservation Order ensures that trees are protected and managed appropriately. Under this order, any person found to have willfully damaged or destroyed a tree without permission is guilty of an offense. Fines for such an offense are up to $1,100,000.

The mature Flooded gum, Eucalyptus grandis, and mature Tallow wood, Eucalyptus microcorys, were the only street trees located on the northern side of Huntley Street between Lawrence Street and Euston Lane, in Alexandria.

Lab testing for the presence of herbicides confirmed both trees had been poisoned.

Signs have been placed on each of the poisoned trees, and letters delivered to residents to ensure the community is aware of the poisoning, seeking information about the attack and to act as a warning.

The city will remove the dead trees and replace them with three advanced sized Wallangarra White Gum, Eucalyptus scoparia, trees.

Flooded gums can grow very large. In fact, the tallest tree in New South Wales is a 76 metre tall, 400 year old flooded gum nicknamed The Grandis. It can be found in the Bulahdelah State Forest.

The Tallow wood tree that was poisoned represents another towering species. This native Eucalypt species, common in New South Wales and Queensland, grows to heights of 40 metres (247 feet) and occasionally taller.