墨灣油災清理需耗時數月 復育棲地則需數年 | 環境資訊中心

墨灣油災清理需耗時數月 復育棲地則需數年



白宮7日舉行記者會,擔任此次國家級事故指揮官的美國巡防上將艾倫(Thad Allen)說:「目前,我們每天攔截15000桶原油。然而在油井被封住的那天之後,我們仍需要至少4到6周來處理原油。」






英國石油將會逐步關閉截油罩上的閥門,迫使更多原油進入吸油管,抽取到海面上的「發現者企業號」(Discoverer Enterprise)鑽油船。艾倫上將表示若需要,英國石油將會自北海拉來另一艘船來處理生產出來的更大量原油。





BP Oil Cleanup Will Take Months - Restoration, Years
WASHINGTON, DC, June 7, 2010 (ENS)

BP is capturing some of the oil spewing from the damaged Deepwater Horizon wellhead in the Gulf of Mexico, but spilled oil on the surface will take months to clean up and restoring the habitat will take years, says the coordinator of the federal government's spill response.

At a White House news conference this morning, National Incident Commander U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen said, "Currently, we are capturing about 15,000 barrels a day. But the day the well is capped, we'll still be dealing with oil at least four to six weeks after that."

Admiral Allen said it is not yet possible to know how much oil is still spilling from the broken wellhead because "We still haven't established what the flow rate is."

On May 27, the National Incident Command's Flow Rate Technical Group, using three different methods, established a wide range of flow from 12,000 to 25,000 barrels per day.

A total of 130 miles of the gulf coastline is impacted linearly, the admiral said, but that doesn't tell the whole story because oil can impact the shore "very far into the marshlands."

Admiral Allen said we will be "ruthless in the oversight of BP," to ensure that the flow of oil into the gulf is stopped, the damage is repaired and people are compensated for loss of livelihood.

"The containment process going faily well," said Allen. Technicians are warming the oil as it comes up to avoid the formation of icy crystals called gas hydrates that could block the flow.

BP will gradually close valves on the containment cap to force more oil up the pipe into the Discoverer Enterprise drillship on the surface. Admiral Allen said if it is needed, the company will bring another ship in from the North Sea to handle the greater volume of oil being produced.

"We need to keep production going because it alleviates pressure on the wellbore," the admiral explained. The goal is to keep the oil coming up the riser pipe instead of being forced under pressure into geological structures under the seafloor to blow out in other places.

By mid-June, BP also intends to install an enhanced production system that will run in parallel with the containment cap currently in place.

By early July, BP expects to have a more permanent system in place which should be more robust in the event of hurricanes. Forecasters predict an extremely active Atlantic hurricane season.

The final resolution lies in the relief wells, which are targeted for completion in August. These are expected to completely stop the flow of oil and gas from the well.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.