「塔斯曼之魂號」漏油事件 巴基斯坦海岸居民健康亮紅燈 | 環境資訊中心

「塔斯曼之魂號」漏油事件 巴基斯坦海岸居民健康亮紅燈



Tasman Spirit Oil Spill Sickened Pakistani Coastal Residents
KARACHI, Pakistan, April 4, 2006 (ENS)
People living on the coast of Karachi near the location of the 2003 Tasman Spirit oil spill have experienced more health problems than individuals living inland, new research shows. On July 27, 2003, the Greek tanker Tasman Spirit carrying crude oil from Iran to Pakistan ran aground at the entrance to Karachi Port. About two weeks later, on the night of August 13, the ship broke apart and spilled some of its cargo into the sea.