墨灣鑽油禁令解除 歐巴馬向石油業讓步 | 環境資訊中心

墨灣鑽油禁令解除 歐巴馬向石油業讓步


在墨西哥灣的Exxon Mobil 石油鑽機,圖片來自: 美國海岸衛隊。英國石油爆發墨西哥灣鑽油平台大火及漏油事故後,歐巴馬政府7月決定對深海石油和天然氣鑽探發出了禁令,但這項禁令在12日解除了,比預定的時間提早了6週。

美國內政部長沙拉薩(Ken Salazar)說,解除深海石油與天然氣的鑽探禁令是「適宜的」,只要經營者保證遵守現有所有的規定和要求,包括最近才開始生效的部分,並且證明有足夠的資源與能力處理井噴事件。


最新的安全規則包含所謂的「鑽井安全規範」(Drilling Safety Rule),這份依照緊急規範制定程序,在9月30日公佈的規範,強化了對近海石油與天然氣作業的安全設備要求、油井控制系統,還有預防井噴的方法。



API的總裁兼CEO杰拉德(Jack Gerard)說,「石油與天然氣業的營運過程,是致力於安全以及對環境負責的。業界以及監督者都增加了保障措施,確保以負責任的方式作業。」「監管機構必須盡快建立監督系統,讓企業可以表明他們符合新標準,以即刻恢復營運。」






阿拉斯加州州長帕內爾(Sean Parnell)12日呼籲,立即解除對波弗特海(Beaufort Sea)淺水鑽探的禁令。




Obama Administration Lifts Deepwater Drilling Moratorium
WASHINGTON, DC, October 12, 2010 (ENS)

The moratorium on deepwater oil and gas drilling, imposed by the Obama administration in July in response to BP's catastropic Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, was lifted today six weeks ahead of schedule.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said it is "appropriate" that deepwater oil and gas drilling resume, provided that operators certify compliance with all existing rules and requirements, including those that recently went into effect, and demonstrate the availability of adequate blowout containment resources.

Lifting the moratorium clears the way for 33 affected oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico to resume drilling operations.

The recent safety rules include the Drilling Safety Rule, issued September 30 under an emergency rule-making process, which strengthens requirements for safety equipment, well control systems, and blowout prevention practices on offshore oil and gas operations.

"The oil and gas industry will be operating under tighter rules, stronger oversight, and in a regulatory environment that will remain dynamic as we continue to build on the reforms we have already implemented," Salazar said.

The American Petroleum Institute, while pleased that the moratorium has been lifted, expressed concern today that a de facto moratorium could be created by delays in the processing and approval of permits, which could reduce production, government revenues and jobs.

"The oil and natural gas industry is committed to safe and environmentally responsible operations. Both the industry and regulators have added safeguards to ensure responsible operations," said Gerard. "Regulators need to quickly put in place a system that allows companies that show their compliance with new standards to resume operations immediately."

But Bromwich, a former Inspector General for the Department of Justice, is not giving in to the industry's push for immediate approval of all drilling projects.

Now Bromwich is undertaking a review of the BOEM's use of "categorical exclusions" that exempt proposed offshore drilling projects from detailed environmental studies.

The review will determine whether the categorical exclusion process is in full compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act.

The categorical exclusion process was established to cut the amount of unnecessary paperwork and delay associated with NEPA compliance. If a certain type of federal action would not normally result in any detrimental environmental effects, it is unnecessary to spend resources to repeatedly document that fact.

But in the past, projects may have been categorically excluded from environmental impact studies when they, in fact, posed environmental risks.

During the BOEM's review of categorical exclusions, Bromwich has directed the agency to restrict its use of categorical exclusions for offshore oil and gas development to activities involving limited environmental risk.

Alaska Governor Sean Parnell today called for an immediate lifting of the moratorium on shallow water drilling in the Beaufort Sea.

"If Secretary Salazar can lift the moratorium for wells in 5,000 feet of water, he should be able to do so for a shallow water well in the Beaufort Sea," Governor Parnell said. "While this is a step in the right direction, the 2011 drilling season in Alaska remains at stake. The industry needs regulatory certainty and predictability. Without certainty, it is very difficult for the industry to plan or invest, to the detriment of Alaska and the nation."

The State of Alaska last month filed a lawsuit against the Secretary of the Interior in U.S. District Court in Alaska to overturn the federal moratorium on offshore drilling in Alaska's Outer Continental Shelf.

"I understand the frustration that people feel because we are not able to review and approve applications as expeditiously as we have in the past. But the central fact is that it has taken time to submit and verify the additional required information," said Bromwich. "We will not approve applications until and unless they fully comply with the new requirements. That will not make everyone happy, but it is the right way to proceed."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.