日本捕鯨船、海洋看守護鯨船 為鯨魚戰爭開拔 | 環境資訊中心

日本捕鯨船、海洋看守護鯨船 為鯨魚戰爭開拔


海洋守護船和直升機離開澳大利亞霍巴特。 圖片來自:海洋守護協會。 已經縮減規模的日本捕鯨船隊已在2日出發了,前往南大洋捕捉數百隻小鬚鯨和50頭長鬚鯨。




2日在澳大利亞的霍巴特,「海洋看守保育協會」(Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)正式啟航,要進行2010年到2011年漁季的南極鯨魚防禦戰役,毫不妥協。

「今年的船隊是迄今最強的,包括老將護鯨船史帝夫厄文(Steve Irwin)號和包伯巴克(Bob Barker)號,以及新加入的三體船Gojira號,Gojira號有足夠的的速度和馬力追過捕鯨船,以制止其可恥的行動,海洋看守也將佈署更強力的直升機。」海洋看守保育協會創始人兼總裁船長華生(Paul Watson)說。




Japanese Whalers, Sea Shepherd Whale Defenders Head for Whale Wars
TOKYO, Japan, December 2, 2010 (ENS)

Japan's whaling fleet has been scaled back and today departed late for the Southern Ocean aiming to catch hundreds of minke whales and 50 fin whales.

The Japanese whaling fleet traditionally departs by November 19 and returns in April but this year will conduct a shortened hunt with fewer vessels.

During the 2009-10 season, the Japanese fleet included a factory ship, three harpoon ships, a supply ship and two security patrol vessels.

In the Southern Ocean the smaller Japanese whaling fleet will face a larger conservation fleet determined to prevent the whalers from killing whales.

In Hobart, Australia today the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society officially set sail for their 2010-11 Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign, Operation No Compromise.

"This year's fleet is the strongest to date including veteran vessels the Steve Irwin and Bob Barker, with the addition of the newly-acquired trimaran Gojira, Japanese for Godzilla, with the necessary speed and power to outrun the whalers and put an end to their shameful activities," said Sea Shepherd Founder and President Captain Paul Watson. Sea Shepherd also will deploy a more capable helicopter this year, he said.

Animal Planet videographers are onboard all three vessels to document Sea Shepherd's conservation efforts in the Southern Ocean for the fourth season of their television series "Whale Wars."

Conducted since 1987 under the guise of scientific research to circumvent a worldwide commercial whaling moratorium that took effect in 1986, Japan's whaling takes place in the North Pacific and in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary near Antarctica.

Forty-four percent "neither agree nor disagree," with resumption of commercial whaling, 31 percent "agree," and 25 percent "disagree," according to a 2008 public opinion poll commissioned by Greenpeace Japan and conducted by the Nippon Research Center, a member of Gallup International Association.

A majority of all respondents said, "Japan should conduct whaling along the Japanese coast but not on the high seas."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.