泰國將非法獵捕之猩猩送返印尼 | 環境資訊中心



54隻被迫在泰國曼谷市郊一個私人動物園中取悅遊客的猩猩,經過兩年的調查與DNA檢測程序後,終於將回到牠們在印尼雨林的家鄉。泰國國家公園暨野生動植物保育部副部長Schwann Tunhikorn表示,DNA檢測結果確認,2004年遭泰國林務警察於泰國最大野生動物園Safari World中查獲的69隻非法獵捕猩猩中,有54隻源自印尼。

Orangutans Seized in Bangkok Will Be Returned to Indonesia
BANGKOK, Thailand, April 18, 2006 (ENS)
After two years of investigation and DNA testing, 54 orangutans that were forced to entertain tourists at a private zoo in a Bangkok suburb, will be returned eventually to their homeland in the Indonesian rainforest. Schwann Tunhikorn, deputy director-general of the National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department, said recent DNA tests confirmed that 54 of the 69 apes seized by Thai forestry police from Safari World in 2004 belonged to Indonesia.