生質燃料新幫手 基因轉殖微生物快速轉化纖維素 | 環境資訊中心

生質燃料新幫手 基因轉殖微生物快速轉化纖維素


James Liao, 圖片來自:UCLA。為了尋求低價生質燃料,美國科學家創造出一種基因轉殖微生物,並可利用它來將植物直接轉化成異丁醇。

異丁醇可被一般汽車引擎點燃,其燃燒熱值比乙醇高,接近汽油等級。由加州大學洛杉磯分校James Liao所領導的研究團隊首度利用綜合生物製程直接由纖維素製造出異丁醇。此團隊工作展現了製程成本與時間上的節省,結果發表在「應用與環境微生物學」期刊上。

UCLA工程與應用科學學院化學與生物分子工程學系的校長特聘教授兼副系主任Liao表示,「與酒精不同之處在於,異丁醇可以以任何比例與汽油混合,應當可消除使用異丁醇專用油箱或車輛的需求。此外,甚至有可能將異丁醇直接使用於現有的汽車引擎上,而不需要對引擎作修改。」、「像異丁醇這樣的高碳醇,是比酒精更好的石油替代品。因為它的辛烷值以及用來衡量揮發性的雷德蒸氣壓 (Reid vapor pressure) 都與汽油更為接近。」


為了使這種轉換過程變成可能,Liao和來自UCLA的研究員Wendy Higashide以及來自橡樹嶺國家實驗室的Yongchao Li、Yunfeng Yang利用基因工程改造了一種天然的纖維素降解菌Clostridium cellulolyticum,使它能將纖維素直接合成為異丁醇。

Liao說,「自然界從來沒有任何微生物被鑑定出具有成為理想組合生物製程菌株的所有必備特質。我們知道必須為此利用基因工程造出一個。」,儘管有許多合適的候選微生物,研究團隊最終選擇了最初為了增加乙醇產量而由枯草中分離出來的Clostridium cellulolyticum。 這個團隊使用能源部聯合基因組研究所提供,已完成基因定序的Clostridium cellulolyticum基因組。Liao表示, 這項概念驗證研究結果,替未來利用組合生物製程,在基因體上操作微生物的相關研究打下基礎。

異丁醇有時也被稱為生化丁醇,是由ButamaxTM Advanced Biofuels公司生產出來的。這間公司是英國石油與杜邦公司在2009成立的合資企業,為了建立與乙醇生產類似的製程,而非操作基因轉殖微生物的功能。首座商業工廠預計可在2013年前運行。

UCLA工程學院院長Vijay Dhir說, 「全球氣候變遷突顯了降低二氧化碳排放量的必要性,Liao的工作能提供更乾淨的能源,讓世界變得更美好。對於他的重大成就我們感到相當驕傲。」

Transgenic Microbe Converts Cellulose to Isobutanol Fuel
WASHINGTON, DC, March 8, 2011 (ENS)

In the quest for inexpensive biofuels, U.S. scientists have created a genetically engineered microbe and used it to convert plant matter directly into isobutanol.

Isobutanol can be burned in regular car engines with a heat value higher than ethanol and similar to gasoline.

Using consolidated bioprocessing, a team led by James Liao of the University of California at Los Angeles for the first time produced isobutanol directly from cellulose.

The team's work, published online in "Applied and Environmental Microbiology," represents savings in processing costs and time.

"Unlike ethanol, isobutanol can be blended at any ratio with gasoline and should eliminate the need for dedicated infrastructure in tanks or vehicles," said Liao, chancellor's professor and vice chair of chemical and biomolecular engineering at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science.

"Plus," he said, "it may be possible to use isobutanol directly in current engines without modification."

Compared to ethanol, higher alcohols such as isobutanol are better candidates for gasoline replacement because they have an energy density, octane value and Reid vapor pressure - a measurement of volatility - that is much closer to gasoline, Liao said.

While cellulosic biomass like corn stover and switchgrass is abundant and cheap, it is much more difficult to utilize for biofuel than corn and sugar cane. This is due to a plant's natural defenses to being chemically dismantled, Liao explained.

To make the conversion possible, Liao and researcher Wendy Higashide of UCLA and Yongchao Li and Yunfeng Yang of Oak Ridge National Laboratory genetically engineered a strain of Clostridium cellulolyticum, a native cellulose-degrading microbe, that could synthesize isobutanol directly from cellulose.

"In nature, no microorganisms have been identified that possess all of the characteristics necessary for the ideal consolidated bioprocessing strain, so we knew we had to genetically engineer a strain for this purpose," Liao said.

While there were many possible microbial candidates, the research team ultimately chose Clostridium cellulolyticum, which was originally isolated from decayed grass to improve ethanol production.

The team worked with a sequenced genome of Clostridium cellulolyticum available through the Energy Department's Joint Genome Institute.

Liao said this proof of concept research sets the stage for studies that will likely involve genetic manipulation of other consolidated bioprocessing microorganisms.

Isobutanol, sometimes called biobutanol, is being produced by Butamax Advanced Biofuels, a joint venture between BP and DuPont formed in 2009. It has not been produced by the action of transgenic microbes but by a production process similar to ethanol. The first commercial plant is expected to be operational by 2013.

"Global climate change has heightened the need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Jim's work will provide cleaner energy sources and change the world for the better," said Vijay Dhir, dean of UCLA Engineering. "We are proud of his significant accomplishments."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.