蒙古總統額勒貝格道爾吉(Tsakhia Elbegdorj)、巴西銀行家Fabio Barbosa和可再生能源企業家Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber博士、瑞士熱氣球駕駛Bertrand Piccard博士、荷蘭科學家Sander van der Leeuw博士和肯亞馬賽保育者Samson Parashina等人,世界環境日當天獲頒聯合國的「2012地球鬥士獎」,此獎項是頒給那些對環境採取積極行動及領導產生正面影響的人。
聯合國環境規劃署執行長史坦納(Achim Steiner)4日在里約熱內盧舉行的頒獎典禮上頒發了由LG公司贊助的獎項,環境規劃署親善大使Gisele Bundchen、巴西環境部長Izabella Teixeira和Rio+20秘書長沙祖康部長出席了頒獎典禮。
- 政策領導獎:蒙古總統額勒貝格道爾吉,履行了立法時優先考慮環保法規的承諾。
- 企業願景獎:巴西銀行家Fabio Barbosa和可再生能源企業家Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber博士,致力於永續發展並促進可再生能源及更乾淨的技術商業發展。
- 啟示行動獎:瑞士熱氣球駕駛員Bertrand Piccard博士透過行動,提升了全球對使用可再生能源驅動的交通工具意識。
- 科技與創新獎:荷蘭科學家Sander van der Leeuw博士,他的研究從歷史經驗來瞭解人類為何無法正視環境變遷的長期議題。
- 特別獎-草根運動:肯亞馬賽保育者Samson Parashina領導社區致力於保存肯亞Tsavo-Amboseli地區的生態系。
幾年前擔任巴西的Banco Real銀行總裁,Barbosa引進了改革性的永續措施,包括社會及環境風險分析、道德投資基金、小額信貸及多樣性方案。這些措施讓「金融時報(Financial Times)」於2007年將該銀行評定為永續銀行。
Barbosa的倡議成為哈佛大學的研究題材,並讓Banco Real銀行從聯合國、國際商會及與威爾斯親王國際商界領袖論壇獲得更多的永續獎項。
聯合國社會變遷基金會創始人與董事會主席Ted Turner表示:「透過Fábio Barbosa的努力,西半球各國領導人、商界人士與巴西人民開始共同關注全球問題。」
Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber博士是馬斯達爾(Masdar)公司的首席執行官,馬斯達爾公司正在建立鄰近阿布達比的馬斯達爾城,將成為世界上第一個零碳、零排放的城市,他們投資全球乾淨能源創新及部署。
2009年,Al Jaber博士帶領馬斯達爾公司(companies from Masdar city)協助阿拉伯聯合大公國贏得競標,使阿布達比成為國際再生能源機構總部設立地。他被聯合國秘書長潘基文邀請擔任聯合國能源和氣候變化諮詢小組的成員。
2010年,他被指派為阿拉伯聯合大公國能源和氣候變化議題特使。2011年,,他被聯合國秘書長選為全民永續能源發展高層組織(High Level Group on Sustainable Energy for All)成員。
Al Jaber博士呼籲全球領袖共同面對氣候變遷的挑戰,他說:「現今世界需要的能源解決方案無法由一個國家單獨驅動。透過公眾及民間的參與,共同合作,以地球村的觀念,採取集體行動解決我們面臨的挑戰是我們的責任。」
Piccard博士和Brian Jones一起達成使用熱氣球繞行地球一週不落地的壯舉。Piccard博士身兼國際知名的醫生和精神科醫生、熱氣球駕駛員和講師、太陽能動力方案發起人、希望之風慈善基金會的會長、聯合國親善大使等多個身份,他結合了科學和冒險來解決當今全球性挑戰。
去年Louis Palmer領導電動汽車車隊於80天環繞世界,並因成為第一個使用太陽能動力車還繞地球的人榮獲地球鬥士啟示行動獎。
Sander van der Leeuw博士獲科技與創新獎,窮盡一生研究人類與環境的關係、發明創造與科技創新,運用從歷史學到的教訓,來理解為什麼人類無法面對環境變化的長期問題。
這個信託雇用超過200位當地人,且擁有超過100萬美元的年度預算。基金會正在開發永續籌資機制,並與國際野生動物保護組織合作,進行森林碳儲量機制(REDD+ forest carbon feasibility)研究。這個信託保護提供數百萬肯亞人賴以生存的淡水的Chyulu森林Mizima泉分水嶺。此外,在人類與野生動物衝突區,這個信託開收旅遊附加費計畫,如果牧民的財產受到野生動物的侵害,此計畫將給予賠償,藉以提高牧民保護野生動物的積極性。
當肯亞盜獵大象及犀牛行為導致盜獵者和動物巡守者間死亡槍戰的案例增加,Parashina的組織由當地社區主導,透過教育及巡邏來阻止盜獵。Parashina也是被CNN評為全球10大豪華生態旅館Campi ya Kanzi的嚮導領袖。
馬賽野生動物保育信託是聯合國發展計劃2012年頒發赤道獎(Equator Prize)的25個獲獎組織之一。
Parashina的地球鬥士獎資格是由影星愛德華諾頓(Edward Norton)提名的,他同時是該保育信託的理事,也是聯合國生物多樣性親善大使。諾頓的提名意見中寫道:「他(Parashina)是我心目中的英雄,而我的角色就是表彰像他這樣的人。」
地球鬥士獎始於在2005年,是聯合國環境獎項的旗艦。迄今已授獎給51個個人及組織表揚他們的領導才能、遠見、靈感和對環境的行動。過去的獲獎者包括了美國前副總統、諾貝爾和平獎得主高爾;墨西哥總統Felipe Calderon;中國女演員、環保倡導者周迅;婦女環境與發展組織和全球音樂傳奇人物Angelique Kidjo。
Mongolia's President Tsakhia Elbegdorj, Brazilian banker Fabio Barbosa and renewable energy entrepreneur Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber are among the six winners of the United Nations' Champions of the Earth 2012 award, given to those whose actions and leadership have had a positive impact on the environment.
Swiss aeronaut Dr. Bertrand Piccard, Dutch scientist Dr. Sander van der Leeuw and Kenyan Maasai conservationist Samson Parashina also were recognized as Champions of the Earth 2012.
UN Environment Programme Executive Director Achim Steiner presented the LG Electronics-sponsored awards at a ceremony today in Rio, attended by UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Gisele Bundchen, Brazil's Minister of the Environment Izabella Teixeira and Rio+20 Secretary-General Sha Zukang.
Steiner said the awards are meant to inspire attendees at Rio+20, the UN's conference on Sustainable Development taking place in Rio later this month, 20 years after the landmark UN Earth Summit that set many of today's environmental programs in motion.
"As the world heads to Brazil for Rio+20 later this month, these six individuals, deservedly named as Champions, demonstrate that committed, concrete action can have a transformative effect on countries, communities and businesses," said Steiner.
The winners have demonstrated commitment to building a sustainable future for the planet through active green policies, groundbreaking clean energy developments and community work that has helped conserve critical ecosystems, he said.
The 2012 Champions of the Earth are:
- Policy Leadership: President Tsakhia Elbegdorj of Mongolia for delivering on promises to put the environment at the forefront of policies.
- Entrepreneurial Vision: Fabio Barbosa of Brazil and Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber of the United Arab Emirates for their business efforts in sustainability and promoting renewable energy and clean technology.
- Inspiration and Action: Dr. Bertrand Piccard of Switzerland for raising global awareness of the possibilities of renewable energy-driven transport
- Science and Innovation: Dr. Sander Van der Leeuw of The Netherlands for his research, which applies lessons learned from history to understand why humanity is not facing up to the long-term issue of environmental change.
- Special Category - Grassroots Initiatives: Samson Parashina of Kenyafor leading community efforts to conserve Kenya's Tsavo-Amboseli ecosystem.
"On the eve of Rio+20, the Champions of Earth 2012 should be an inspiration for world leaders to take the bold decisions needed on behalf of seven billion people," Steiner said. "In other words, to put in place the pathways that will scale-up and accelerate a Green Economy while reforming the international institutions charged with realizing sustainable development and poverty eradication in order to deliver the Future We Want."
President Elbegdorj, who has prioritized green policies and environmental awareness for youth, said his formative years as a Mongolian herdsman living close to nature helped shape his sustainable outlook.
"This is a great honor, not only for me but for our nation," said Elbegdorj. "As President, I have a green policy. It has two pillars: one is our people, the other is our environment."
"One day I will give up my Presidency," he said, "but I will continue as a Champion of the Earth."
Barbosa is based in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he serves as chief executive officer of Abril S.A., one of Latin America's largest and most influential media enterprises.
As president of Banco Real earlier in this decade, Barbosa introduced a transformative sustainability initiative that included social and environmental risk analysis, ethical investment funding, microcredit operations, and a diversity programme, which led the "Financial Times" to name the bank Sustainable Bank of the Year in 2007.
Barbosa's initiative became the object of a study at Harvard and earned Banco Real other sustainability awards from the UN, the International Chamber of Commerce and The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum.
Barbosa continues to be recognized for his efforts to integrate philanthropic and sustainable practices into business models. In 2010 he was named Leader of Social Change by the Foundation for Social Change in partnership with the UN, and in July 2011, the UN Foundation announced he had joined its Board of Directors.
"Fabio Barbosa has a proven record of bringing together leaders in the Western hemisphere, the business community and the people of Brazil to focus on global problems," said Ted Turner, founder and chairman of the UN Foundation's Board of Directors.
Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber is the chief executive officer of Masdar, which is developing the world's first zero-carbon and zero-emission city in Abu Dhabi and investing globally in clean energy innovation and deployment around the world.
In 2009, Dr. Al Jaber coordinated and led Masdar's participation in the UAE's successful bid to host the headquarters of the International Renewable Energy Agency in Abu Dhabi. He was invited by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to serve as a member of the UN Secretary General's Advisory Group on Energy and Climate Change.
In 2010, he was appointed UAE Special Envoy for Energy and Climate Change. In 2011, he was selected by the secretary general to serve as a member of the High Level Group on Sustainable Energy for All.
Dr. Al Jaber called on world leaders to work together to face the challenge of climate change. "The energy solutions the world needs today cannot be driven by one country alone," he said. "They will be stimulated by collaboration, and founded on public-private partnerships. As a global community, we have the responsibility to act collectively and address the challenges we face."
Dr. Piccard achieved the first non-stop round-the-world balloon flight with Brian Jones. An internationally renowned medical doctor and psychiatrist, aeronaut and lecturer, initiator of the Solar Impulse program, chairman of the Winds of Hope charitable foundation, and a UN goodwill ambassador, he combines science and adventure in order to address some of today's global challenges.
Piccard said, "Exploration in the 21st century is no longer about conquering new territories, but about developing clean technologies in order to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels."
Dr. Piccard aims to become the first person to travel around the world in a piloted fixed-wing aircraft using only solar power.
This is the second year in a row that a Swiss who has circumnavigated the globe was included among the UN's Champions of the Earth.
Last year, Louis Palmer who led a fleet of electric vehicles around the world in 80 days and earlier became the first person to circle the earth in a solar-powered vehicle, won the Inspiration and Action award.
Dr. van der Leeuw, winner in the Science and Innovation category, has spent his career studying human-environment relations and invention and innovation in society, applying the lessons learned from history to help understand why humanity is not facing up to the long-term issue of environmental change.
He said the award made him feel "more confident" about using his research to educate future generations about the need for sustainability.
"Sustainability is all about changing mindsets," he said. "It is about individuals, groups, and countries beginning to think differently about everything they do in life. We can actually make a huge difference."
Parashina, whose Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust takes a grassroots approach to conservation in Kenya, said, "This award means great things to me. It energizes me and enables me in the pursuit of the ideal that we stand for. The Maasai have been here for centuries. They have to adapt to a changing climate, by creating new green jobs and protect the flora and fauna to create a future for the generation to come."
The trust employs more than 200 locals and has an annual budget of over US$1 million. It is developing sustainable financing mechanisms and partnering with Conservation International and Wildlife Works to carry out a REDD+ forest carbon feasibility study. The trust protects the Chyulu Forest-Mizima Springs watershed, which provides fresh water for millions of Kenyans. And, in an area of human-wildlife conflicts, the trust is using tourism surcharges to fund Wildlife Pays, a program that compensates livestock herders for losses to wildlife predation in exchange for protection of predators.
At a time when poaching of elephants and rhino is on the rise in Kenya, with deadly gun battles between poachers and wildlife rangers, Parashina's organization is using a community-led approach to prevent poaching through education and patrols. Parashina is also head guide at Campi ya Kanzi, named by CNN as one of the world's 10 top luxury eco-hotels.
The Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust is one of 25 organizations to win the 2012 Equator Prize given by the UN Development Programme.
Parashina was nominated as a Champion of the Earth by actor Edward Norton, who serves on the board of the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust and is the UN's Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity. "He's one of my heroes and I'm in this role to celebrate people like him," said Norton in his nomination.
Champions of the Earth, which was launched in 2005, is the UN's flagship environmental award. To date, it has recognized 51 individuals and organizations for their leadership, vision, inspiration and action on the environment.
The list of Champions laureates includes former U.S. Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore, Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Chinese actress and environmental advocate Zhou Xun, the Women's Environment & Development Organization and global music legend Angelique Kidjo.