聯合國環境規劃署執行長史坦納(Achim Steiner)指出,「2011年,經濟合作暨發展組織成員國平均花費13%的GDP在政府採購,而部分開發中國家政府採購可高達20%,全球加總更高達數兆美元。這是個讓政府引導市場走向永續的大好機會,採購有助保育自然資源的商品和服務,創造綠色工作機會,並改善全球的生計。」
南韓已經建立起永續的政府採購政策。韓國環境產業技術研究所所長Yongjoo Kim說,「韓國過去10年已透過電子監控系統,累積不少綠色政府採購方面的專業經驗。」
A new global program was launched today that aims to harness the trillions of dollars that governments spend each year on procurement of everything – from computers to food to travel – to fund a more resource-efficient, low-carbon world.
The new Sustainable Public Procurement Programme aims to help governments redirect public spending to purchase goods and services that bring environmental and social benefits by expanding knowledge and access to experts and tools.
The initiative is co-led by the UN Environment Programme, the Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute, and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability.
UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner explained, “The Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development nations spent an average 13 percent of Gross Domestic Product on public procurement in 2011, while in some developing nations this can hit 20 percent. This adds up to trillions of dollars globally, demonstrating the scale of the opportunity ahead.”
“Governments can use this potential to lead markets onto a sustainable path by demanding goods and services that conserve natural resources, create decent green jobs, and improve livelihoods around the globe,” said Steiner.
In the United States, where the federal government buys goods and services worth more than $500 billion a year, the federal government has incorporated sustainability requirements into purchasing regulations. Nearly all new contracts must be for products and services that are energy-efficient and water-efficient, environmentally preferable, non-ozone depleting, and contain recycled content.
The Sustainable Public Procurement Programme is the first in a host of actions to be taken this year as part of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production, 10YFP.
The 10YFP was established after world leaders at the UN’s 2012 conference on sustainable development, Rio+20, agreed that sustainable consumption and production is a cornerstone of sustainable development, poverty alleviation and the transition to low-carbon and green economies.
South Korea has installed sustainable public procurement policies for the near future.
“The Republic of Korea has gained strong expertise in the implementation of green public procurement based on an electronic monitoring system over the past 10 years,” said Yongjoo Kim, president of KEITI.
Existing initiatives demonstrate that sustainable procurement transforms markets, boosts eco-industries, saves money, conserves natural resources and fosters job creation.
For instance, India’s latest procurement policy makes it mandatory for central government offices to source 20 percent of everything that they need from micro and small businesses.
Indian Railways replaced more than one million incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient fluorescent lamps in 400,000 employees’ homes, saving more than 100,000 megawatts of energy and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 90,000 tonnes each year.
In Brazil, the Foundation for Education Development saved 8,800 cubic metres of water and 1,750 tonnes of waste by using notebooks made from recycled paper in Sao Paulo schools.
In France, a contract for the purchase of toner cartridges was awarded to an organization that, between 2009 and 2011, recovered 11,500 kilograms of waste, saved the government 30 percent in costs and created nine full-time jobs for disabled people.
By working to ensure such purchasing decisions are the norm, not the exception, the Sustainable Public Procurement Programme aims to play a vital role in transitioning the globe to an inclusive green economy.
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