林務局、國內外學者 共同簽署「鰲鼓濕地宣言」 | 環境資訊中心

林務局、國內外學者 共同簽署「鰲鼓濕地宣言」



為宣示臺灣無論官方或民間都願意發展鰲鼓濕地成為國際重要濕地及有效維護濕地生態系統完整,發揮濕地生態、生活、生產價值,以達到保育生物多樣性及維持人類生存之目的,我們願意依據拉姆薩公約  (The Ramsar Convention)的理念與準則作為努力方向,並呼籲各方共同加入關心鰲鼓濕地建構成為國際級濕地的行列,一起朝以下做法與目標前進:
1.  設立野生動物保護區,以促進對濕地及水鳥之保育,並使其受到妥善之監管。
2.  鼓勵對濕地及其動植物群落之研究、文獻之著作及資訊交流。
3.  透過合宜的棲地經營管理,設法增加溼地特定之水鳥族群。
4.  與學界及保育團體合作培養濕地研究、經營管理之人才。
5.  積極營造成為可庇護瀕危物種生態群聚的濕地。
6.  努力建構與落實周邊社區參與濕地經營管理的機制。
The Aogu Convention
This  document  is  to  declare  that  both  the  government  and  the  people  in  Taiwan  are willing to protect the Aogu Wetlands as international important wetlands and pay efforts to maintain  integrity  of  the  wetlands  ecosystem,  and  develop  the  value  of  wetlands.  We  are willing to work hard based on the concept of the Ramsar Convention and the guidelines. We sincerely invite everyone to join together and protect the Aogu Wetlands and make it as a world-class wetlands. We devote toward the aim with the following practices and objectives: 
1.  Establish wildlife conservation area in order to protect wetlands and waterfowl.
2.  Encourage to do research, literature publishing, and information exchange based on flora and fauna of the wetlands.
3.  Build up comfortable environment for specific waterfowl with appropriate habitat management.
4.  Cooperate with academic and conservation groups to cultivate professionals on research and management of the wetlands.          
5.  Create shelters actively for endangered species.
6.  Establish public participating mechanisms for surrounding communities to participate in the management of wetlands.
I agree with the philosophy and objectives of the Declaration of the Aogu Wetlands expressed and willing to sign and to promote of the Declaration of the Aogu Wetlands. I will pay my efforts to promote the Aogu Wetlands to become a member of the international important wetlands and to establish a benchmarking case among the international wetland management. Besides, I will retain a wildlife paradise of wetlands in Taiwan for all the human beings and leave the typical model forever.