世銀新政策不顧環境人權 美國會要財部「不准貸款」 | 環境資訊中心

世銀新政策不顧環境人權 美國會要財部「不准貸款」


美國國會在聖誕節休會前,通過2015年綜合撥款法(Omnibus Appropriations Act),無論是在美國國內或國際上,都受到各環境與社會正義團體的一致肯定。



不利於環境保護 世銀欲刪資助計畫審核機制

2014年7月,世界銀行提出其自行訂定的「環境與社會防衛框架和防衛審查系統」(Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework and the Safeguards Review Process),數個月來引發部分國會成員不滿,甚至受到其他多邊銀行的抨擊。



美政府通過法案 祭出拒絕貸款、禁止入境等規定






防衛機制不當 資助反造成更深的傷害

非營利組織「文化生存」(Cultural Survival)舉一世界銀行資助計畫防衛機制不當、造成傷害的例子:




U.S. Congress Blocks World Bank Move to Slash Safeguards
WASHINGTON, DC, January 8, 2015 (ENS)

Environmental and social justice groups in the United States and around the world are applauding a provision of the 2015 Omnibus Appropriations Act, passed by the U.S. Congress just before the Christmas recess. The measure requires the U.S. Treasury Department to oppose any World Bank policy that provides less protection for the environment or for human rights than the bank’s current safeguards.

For months, the groups, some members of Congress and even another multilateral bank have criticized the World Bank’s July 2014 proposal known as the Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework and the Safeguards Review Process by which it was developed.

Critics say the proposed policy would weaken the World Bank’s longstanding environmental and social protections from harm caused by Bank-funded projects and allow governments to opt out of safeguarding affected indigenous peoples.

By passing the 2015 Omnibus Appropriations Act, Congress is requiring the United States, the World Bank’s largest contributor, to vote against any new loans or grants if the World Bank or any member of the World Bank Group weakens its safeguard policies.

“The Secretary of the Treasury shall instruct the United States Executive Director of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to vote against any loan, grant, policy or strategy if such institution has adopted and is implementing any social or environmental safeguard relevant to such loan, grant, policy or strategy that provides less protection than World Bank safeguards in effect on September 30, 2014,” the Appropriations Bill states on page 1199.

In the Anti-Kleptocracy and Human Rights section, the new budget law states, “Officials of foreign governments and their immediate family members about whom the Secretary of State has credible information have been involved in significant corruption, including corruption related to the extraction of natural resources, or a gross violation of human rights, shall be ineligible for entry into the United States.”

The bill also calls for the United States to seek to require the International Finance Corporation, IFC, and other multilateral institutions to publish the identities of the “beneficial owners” of private companies receiving public funds.

One example of harm caused by a World Bank-funded project with inadequate safeguards comes from the nonprofit group Cultural Survival.

In 2010, the World Bank approved funding for a $3.5 billion dollar project enabling oil exploitation in Chad and Cameroon. The project includes the construction of 3 oil fields in the Doba Basin of southern Chad, with oil production estimated at 225,000 barrels per day. Once the oil is extracted, it will be transported through a 600 foot-wide pipe crossing Cameroon, Cultural Survival explains.

Among the consequences of this development are its effects on the roughly 100,000 Bagyeli “Pygmies” who live in the region. Construction of the pipeline will entail forced resettlement as the animals the Bagyeli hunt are driven away, the land they live on is destroyed, and their groundwater is contaminated. The Bagyeli maintain that they were not properly informed or consulted at the project’s outset.

The senators warned that the Bank plans to replace existing environmental and social safeguards with weaker mechanisms for transparency, oversight, and accountability and to eliminate essential protections for biodiversity, forest-dependent peoples and communities displaced by Bank projects.

While applauding the World Bank for adding language on labor fairness, climate change, the rights of persons with disabilities and the displacement of indigenous peoples, the senators’ greatest concern is a new process that moves away from the fulfillment of safegard requirements before Board approval of a loan with increased monitoring of environmental and social impacts after the disbursement of funds.

Even another multilateral bank criticized the World Bank’s draft policy. The Asian Development Bank’s Independent Evaluation Division identified That the proposed draft World Bank “could dilute the strength of social and environmental protections” and called for “continued use of a requirements-based safeguards system.”

The World Bank has extended the consultation period to allow for one more round of consultations, which will have to take the requirements of the 2015 Omnibus Appropriations bill into account.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.