美國高院大法官奧康納(Sandra Day O'Connor)退休在即,計畫由上訴法庭法官阿利托(Samuel A. Alito, Jr.)接任,然阿利托面臨了環保人士的強力反對。五個環保團體、非營利團體與環保法律公益組織,於今日(20日)正式宣佈反對阿利托就任大法官。這是18年內頭一遭由環保人士發起運動反制最高法院提名人選。
Environmentalists Declare Opposition to Alito for Supreme Court
Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. has run into opposition from environmentalists in his bid to assume the seat of retiring Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Five environmental groups and a nonprofit, public interest environmental law firm today formally declared their opposition to Alito for the lifetime Supreme Court appointment - the first environmentalist campaign against a Supreme Court nominee in 18 years.