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根據美國環保署(EPA)21日發表的評論顯示,最近研究進一步證明了暴露在微粒物質(particulate matter, PE)中,無論其顆粒細緻或粗糙,都會對人體造成嚴重的健康問題,其中包括死亡年齡提前。環保人士及公共衛生擁護者希望藉此研究報告說服布希政府加強關於微粒物質的法規,但部分共和黨參議員仍對此採取保留態度。

Science and Politics Collide as EPA Considers New Air Rule
WASHINGTON, DC, July 25, 2006 (ENS)
Recent studies strengthen the evidence that exposure to fine and coarse particulate matter can cause serious health problems, including premature death, according to a review released Friday by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Environmentalists and public health advocates hope the assessment will convince the Bush administration to tighten federal rules for particulate matter, but some Senate Republicans remain unconvinced.