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加拿大溫哥華島格里夸灣加拿大溫哥華島格里夸灣(Clayoquot Sound)最後一處原始森林的砍伐計劃確定遭到擱置。這片原始森林為聯合國指定生態圈保護區,為了探討砍伐利用之外的其他可能性,環保團體與中部加拿大原族各派五位代表於8日在格里夸灣進行協商,商定替代經濟方案後,決議擱置開採案。

Chiefs, Enviros Explore Alternatives to Logging Clayoquot Sound
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada, August 9, 2006 (ENS)
加拿大原始林皆伐Plans to log the last pristine old growth forests of Vancouver Island's Clayoquot Sound have been shelved for the time being while First Nations and environmental groups consult on alternative economic opportunities. The forests at issue are designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Representatives from five environmental organizations and five Central Region First Nations met Tuesday in Clayoquot Sound.