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布希計劃世界爺紀念區內伐木 法官:違法



)國家紀念區內的商業伐木活動,加州當局與保育團體分別就此提出訴訟,聯邦法官22日已裁示:聯邦政府之議案違法。美國加州北區聯邦地方法院布雷爾(Charles Breyer)法官記述道:「林務局准予砍伐林木的利益,等同藐視已生效的環境法規。」 

Bush Plan to Log Giant Sequoia Monument Ruled Illegal
SAN FRANCISCO, California, August 23, 2006 (ENS)
The Bush administration’s plan to allow commercial logging in California’s Giant Sequoia National Monument is illegal, a federal judge ruled Tuesday in two companion cases – one brought by the state of California and the other brought by conservation groups. “The Forest Service’s interest in harvesting timber has trampled the applicable environmental law,” wrote Judge Charles Breyer of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.