印度發現稀有鳥類新品種 新公路開發恐危及其棲地 | 環境資訊中心

印度發現稀有鳥類新品種 新公路開發恐危及其棲地

ENS印度,孟買報導;Nina. L、蔡秦怡編譯;蔡麗伶、陳瑞賓審校

印度發現稀有鳥類新品種(圖片來源:Birdlife)保育人士於11日宣佈,在印度東北部偏遠的森林裡發現一種罕見的鳥類。這種鮮明多彩的鳥類被命名為Bugun Liocichla,是印度半個世紀以來首次發現的新品種鳥類。



在印度發現的這個新品種是由羅馬納‧阿塞瑞雅(Ramana Athreya)所發現,他是一位印度的天文學家及熱衷賞鳥人士。他是在鷹巢野生動植物保護區(Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary)內發現這種鳥。該保護區位於印度的阿拉那契佩拉德(Arunachal Pradesh)境內,占地217平方公里。


阿塞瑞雅說:「很明顯的,這些物種可生長在受到干擾的區域及利用不同的植物生存下來。這些多少與灰胸藪鶥(Emei Shan Liocichla)對棲地的選擇喜好相同。」


Rare Multi-colored Bird Discovered in India
BOMBAY, India, September 12, 2006 (ENS)

A remarkable bird has been discovered in a remote forest in northeastern India, conservationists announced Tuesday. The strikingly multi-colored bird has been named Bugun Liocichla and it is the first new bird species discovered in India in more than half a century.

The black-capped bird has olive plumage with red, yellow, black and white patches on its wing. It is about 8 inches long with red-tipped tail feathers.

The known population of the new species consists of only 14 individuals, including three breeding pairs. The birds are not particularly shy and are very distinctive, said experts, who believe it must be very rare or it would certainly have been found earlier.The bird is the fourth known species of liocichla, a kind of babbler. Babblers are a diverse group of around 280 species found primarily in wooded areas of Asia, Africa, and Australia.

The new species was discovered by Ramana Athreya, an Indian astronomer and avid birdwatcher. He spotted the species within the Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, a 217-square kilometer protected area in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.

He first saw the bird in 1995 and knew it was "something very special." But he did not spot the bird again until this past May. Athreya and his colleagues were successful in trapping two birds - both were released and no scientific specimen was collected. The species may also exist within forests in adjacent Bhutan and elsewhere in Arunachal Pradesh, Athreya said. All sightings except one have been on hillsides over 2,000 meter, among dense scrub and small trees remaining after logging.

"Clearly the species can exist in disturbed areas and utilize different vegetation," he said. "This is more or less identical to the habitat preference of Emei Shan."

Athreya warned that a proposed highway through the sanctuary and through the area where most sightings have taken place could be devastating for the new species. "The birds survive but clearly they don't thrive," he said. "A busy highway could well push this spectacular bird into local extirpation, which could also be extinction."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.