A declaration to protect the forested Heart of Borneo was signed today by ministers from the three Bornean governments - Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Malaysia. The agreement will conserve and sustainably manage one of the most important centers of biological diversity in the world, inhabited by endangered orangutans, elephants and rhinos.
The agreement ends plans to create the world's largest palm oil plantation that would have cleared a vast rainforest along Indonesia's border with Malaysia across the world's third largest island.
The Heart of Borneo covers 220,000 square kilometers (85,000 square miles) of equatorial rainforests – almost one-third of the island of Borneo. The area spreads across the transboundary highlands of Indonesia and Malaysia, and down through the foothills into adjacent lowlands and to parts of Brunei.
The island is inhabited by 13 species of primates, including the endangered orangutan, 150 species of reptiles and amphibians, over 350 species of birds, and around 15,000 species of plants.
Many species are still undiscovered - more than 50 new species were identified on Borneo last year alone.
The Heart of Borneo Declaration, signed at an official ceremony held in Bali, is a lifeline for Borneo’s rainforests that are threatened by logging, forest fires and forest conversion for plantations.
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