搶救加大橡樹 保育人士脫了! | 環境資訊中心

搶救加大橡樹 保育人士脫了!


加大柏克萊分校裸體救橡樹(圖片來源:Tree Sprit Project)抗議人士、表演藝術者、模特兒以及環保鬥士18日在加州大學柏克萊校區進行裸體抗議,搶救校方為興建運動中心預計砍除預定地上的一片橡樹林。這些示威者脫下衣服擁抱橡樹,藉以表達他們對6位從12月起就住在這片橡樹林中的行動鬥士的支持。

舊金山攝影師葛夏特(Jack Gescheidt)將這些裸體照作為他「樹的精神」主題作品,這是一系列展示裸體者圍繞和在大樹上的照片。柏克萊裸體藝術X-plicit巡迴演出成員摩爾(Debbie Moore)表示:「身為這次抗議的一員,我感到驕傲及榮耀,此外我從不會拒絕脫下我衣服的機會。」

加州大學計畫砍伐1.2公頃樹林中,有42株橡樹、美國紅杉及其他樹種,在其上興建耗資1億2500萬美元的運動中心,這是將紀念球場(Memorial Stadium)升級的一個大計劃。原先的球場被黑渥斷層(Hayward Fault)一分為二,而且很可能會被地震摧毀。


Getting Naked to Save the Oaks
BERKELEY, California, March 19, 2007 (ENS)

Protesters, performance artists, models and environmental activists got naked Sunday at the University of California-Berkeley to save a grove of oak trees that are slated to be cut so an athletic center can be built on the site. The demonstrators stripped down and hugged the trees in support of six activists who have lived in the threatened trees since December.

 San Francisco photographer Jack Gescheidt arranged the nude photo shoot as part of his "Tree Sprit Project," a series of photos showing naked people in and around large trees. "This is an activity I am proud to support and honored to be part of," said Debbie Moore, a co-founder of Berkeley's nude theater troupe X-plicit Players. "Besides, I never turn down a chance to take off my clothes."

The university plans to fell 42 oaks, redwoods and other trees in the 1.2 acre grove to build a $125 million athletic training center that is part of a larger project to upgrade Memorial Stadium. The stadium is bisected by the Hayward Fault and could be demolished by an earthquake.

Four lawsuits, including one from the city of Berkeley, have been filed to stop the project. An Alameda County Superior Court judge granted an injunction on January 29 blocking the plan for now. The judge ruled that the university did not adequately address the seismic risks of building on or near an earthquake fault.


