保護生態資產 科學家敦促加拿大保育北方森林 | 環境資訊中心

保護生態資產 科學家敦促加拿大保育北方森林


加拿大的森林分佈圖(照片來源:Environment Canada)全球1500名科學家日前公開致函加拿大政府,在信中表示為了地球的未來著想,位於加國北方的寒帶森林至少一半以上應受到完整的保護。科學家們指出,這片廣闊的森林在北方延綿,是地球上僅存最大的原始森林和溼地生態之一。



擁有撰文數項IPCC報告豐富資歷的Terry Root教授也表示:「現在,世界各地的科學者齊籲加拿大應採取行動,履行寒帶森林保育框架」,保護這塊地球僅存的淨土。

Scientists Urge Conservation of Canada's Precious Northern Forest
OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, May 16, 2007 (ENS)

At least half of Canada's northern Boreal forest must be protected for the good of the planet, 1,500 scientists from more than 50 countries said in an open letter to the governments of Canada. The scientists said the vast forest that stretches across the Canadian North is one of the largest intact forest and wetland ecosystems remaining on Earth.

The 1.4 billion acre forest is a major source of North America's fresh water and is inhabited by some of the planet's largest populations of wolves, grizzly bear and woodland caribou. The Boreal forest also is the single largest terrestrial carbon storehouse in the world. The Boreal stores 186 billion metric tons of carbon – equivalent to 27 years of the world's carbon dioxide emissions from the consumption of fossil fuels.

But the Boreal forest is under increasing pressure from logging, mining and oil and gas operations and only 10 percent has been protected to date, far less than what is scientifically recognized as necessary to sustain the ecosystem over time, the scientists said.

"The world's scientists urge Canada to take action now by implementing the Boreal Forest Conservation Framework, said Dr. Terry Root, author of multiple IPCC reports.