來自巴西和西班牙的產學團隊開發出一種特殊保鮮膜,可以在15分鐘內使接觸到的99.99%新冠病毒失去活性。這個名為「AlpFilm Protect PVC」產品現已上市,用於包裝肉品、水果、蔬菜冷盤以及保護表面。

A plastic film that can deactivate 99.99 percent of the virus that causes COVID-19 in 15 minutes has been released by an international team of companies and universities from Brazil and Spain. The product, AlpFilm Protect PVC, is now on the market and is being used to pack meat, fruit, vegetables and cold meats, and to protect surfaces.
The scientific team found that silica is a semiconductor that becomes active with metallic silver nanoparticles to generate oxidative molecules capable of deactivating 79.9 percent of the new coronavirus in three minutes and 99.99 percent in just 15 minutes.
The scientists highlight the oxidative capacity of these nanoparticles to destroy the outer lipid layer of the coronavirus and thus prevent the adhesion and proliferation of the virus on the surface of materials.
The scientific team behind this innovative plastic film is made up of three companies – Braskem, AlpFilm and Nanox – and two universities – the Federal University of São Carlos in Brazil and Universidad Jaume I of Castellón in Spain.
A scientific collaboration that started 15 years ago between the two universities and Nanox had yielded a product with antifungal and bactericidal properties back in in 2014 – a transparent polyvinyl chloride, PVC, film suffused with silver microparticles.
That plastic film they developed six years ago has now become marketable anti-viral technology patented by Nanox, with the support of the vinyl application engineering team of Braskem, the largest petrochemical company in Latin America, and AlpFilm, a Brazilian family company that is one of the main manufacturers of PVC plastic films in Brazil.
The team was inspired by the urgent needs of the pandemic to rethink their antifungal and bactericidal PVC film to see if it could be reconfigured to protect against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease COVID-19.
Scientists with Braskem and AlpFilm improved the film’s formula, maximizing its protection potential against fungi, bacteria, and viruses.
The tests to verify the power of the new plastic packaging to suppress SARS-CoV-2 were conducted at the level 3 biosecurity laboratory of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Sao Paulo in compliance with the technical standard for measuring the antiviral activity in plastics and other non-porous surfaces.
PVC solutions enable the production of a series of essential products ranging from medical and hospital products to packages, which ensure food safety, hygiene and cleanliness, among other factors, bolstering the fight against COVID-19.
Nanox, with the support of the São Paulo Research Foundation’s program focused on innovative research in small enterprises, has developed a fabric with silver microparticles on its surface that can inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
In laboratory tests, this material eliminated 99.9 percent of the virus after two minutes of contact.
This virus-killing fabric is a mixture of polyester and cotton and contains two types of silver microparticles that penetrate its surface through an immersion, drying and fixing process. Nanox has already registered its patent application for the innovative material.
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