G8峰會啟動新對話機制 與新興國家合力因應氣候變遷 | 環境資訊中心

G8峰會啟動新對話機制 與新興國家合力因應氣候變遷



在8日舉行的會議當中,八大工業國領袖也贏得了新興經濟體及開發中國家的支持,達成共同奮鬥以適應氣候變遷的協議。對此,德國總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel)表示:「此次的高峰會相當成功。」

上述G8與新興經濟體的合作,係起於G8所啟動的對話機制,稱之為「海利根達姆進程」(Heiligendamm Process);參與對話機制的國家除G8成員外,尚包含巴西、中國、印度、墨西哥與南非等新興經濟體。對話機制強調創新、投資自由化、非洲發展以及能源效率議題,並將作成報告,提交往後兩年的G8高峰會討論。


G8 Summit Extends Environmental Work Beyond Climate

Environmental considerations at the G8 Summit hosted by Germany stretched far beyond the global warming compromise reached Thursday. When the Summit closed this evening, the G8 leaders announced support for integrating environmental standards into the extractive industries, and progress in controlling the proliferation of weapons and materials of mass destruction.

In meetings today, the G8 leaders also won agreement from emerging economies and developing countries to help combat and adapt to climate change. "It was a successful summit," said host German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The G8 leaders launched a dialogue between the member states of the the G8 group of countries and the important emerging economies of Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa now known as the Heiligendamm Process. The dialogue will address innovation, freedom of investment, development in Africa, and energy efficiency and provide reports at the next two G8 Summits.

This dialogue is necessary because neither the G8 countries nor the emerging economies can meet the challenges of the global economy alone, Merkel said. Joint solutions are to be developed that take each country's responsibilities into account.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.