美汽車製造商共同呼籲政府限制溫室氣體排放 | 環境資訊中心




福特汽車主席兼總裁慕拉力(Alan Mulally)表示:「我們非常高興在合作對抗氣候暖化、能源消耗與環境保護的重要時機,加入『美國氣候行動聯盟』。」

克萊斯勒集團主席兼總裁拉所達(Tom LaSorda)則表示;「現在就是全國性對於氣候變遷進行革新的時候,我們從個人、企業到政府都要採取行動,減少溫室氣體排放。」

創立USCAP的成員之一,「自然資源保衛委員會」(Natural Resources Defense Council)主席貝尼克(Frances Beinecke)表示:「底特律(堪稱世界造車中心)開始發出訊息,表示他們終於準備好要一同解決全球暖化污染。福特與克萊斯勒並肩加入有美國通用汽車參與的USCAP,明顯昭示時代已改變。快速有效率的行動對於阻止全球暖化惡化是有可能的。」他繼續表示:「兩家汽車製造商的聲明,是美國參議院數十年來首次投票增加汽卡車燃料節能標準後一週所發表的,這個邁進是重要且具歷史意義的。」

Automakers Join Call for National Greenhouse Gas Limits
WASHINGTON, DC, June 27, 2007(ENS)

The United States Climate Action Partnership, USCAP, announced today that Ford Motor Company and the Chrysler Group have joined the coalition in lobbying for national legislation to impose legally binding limits on global warming pollution.

The group now includes 23 of the world’s largest corporations and six of the nation’s most respected nongovernmental organizations.

"We are pleased to join USCAP at a critical stage in the conversation on climate change, energy consumption and environmental protection," said Alan Mulally, president and CEO of Ford Motor Company.

"Now is the time for advancing a national approach to climate change where all of us – individuals, industry and government – take action toward reducing emissions of greenhouse gases,” said Tom LaSorda, president and CEO, Chrysler Group.

Frances Beinecke, president of Natural Resources Defense Council, a partnership founding member, said, "Detroit is starting to send a message that it is finally ready to be part of the solution addressing global warming pollution. That Ford and Chrysler have joined General Motors in USCAP is a clear signal that times have changed and there is indeed real hope for swift and decisive action." "This announcement comes just one week after the U.S. Senate voted to raise fuel economy standards for cars and trucks for the first time in decades, an important and historic step forward," Beinecke pointed out. 


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.