亞美尼亞採銅計劃破壞森林 特胡德村民冷漠 | 環境資訊中心

亞美尼亞採銅計劃破壞森林 特胡德村民冷漠


The damage in Teghut Forest has already begun. April 2007.亞美尼亞政府同意私人企業開發大型銅礦坑的計劃,造成北部環繞特胡德村的原生森林,正飽受開路機具的摧殘,而美國與當地環保人士已投書政府表達關切。然而,特胡德村村民們對此採礦案的環境衝擊態度冷漠,因為當地幾乎一半的居民長期失業,對於家庭的生計一籌莫展,因此寄望此計劃可帶來的就業機會。


亞美尼亞綠色聯盟主席沙納撒揚(Hakob Sanasaryan)表示,「25年後,此地將可能變成一片漠原。在開發過程中產生的礦渣和廢棄物,皆內含重金屬,當這些物質汙染空氣、水和土壤後,將引起疾病以及大幅降低土壤的生產能力。到時,人們自然會被迫遷離這塊受之殆盡的土地。」

Copper Mine Menaces Armenia's Teghut Forest
YEREVAN, Armenia, July 11, 2007 (ENS)

Virgin forests surrounding the village of Teghut in northern Armenia are being destroyed to make way for a giant copper mine, warn Armenian and American conservationists who are appealing to the Armenian government to stop the mine. But many Teghut villagers do not oppose the mine because nearly half of local residents are unemployed and have no means to feed their families.

Exploration work has begun and many trees have already been cut down. Roads for trucks have been paved through the forest and digging equipment has been brought in. The Armenian Copper Program plans to put a mine tailings dump in the nearby gorge of the Kharatanots River; meanwhile, in order to set up the tailing structure, the company plans to change the course of the Kharatanots River.

Greens Union President Hakob Sanasaryan says, "twenty-five years later the place would be a desert." "The tailings and wastes, containing heavy metals, would penetrate the soil, water and air, causing disease, ruining the produce and sharply reducing soil fertility. Naturally, the people there would then be forced to leave."

全文及圖片詳見Environment News Service


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.