「1000座水井」計劃 協助達佛解決衝突 | 環境資訊中心

「1000座水井」計劃 協助達佛解決衝突


非洲農民被摧毀的村莊,科學家期望建設地下水資源,協助地區的和平安全。圖片來源:U.S. State Dept.科學家在蘇丹達佛地區的沙丘下,發掘到一座面積相當於伊利湖的地下湖泊,這座最新勘測到的水源,可能有助於緩和遊牧阿拉伯人和非洲農民之間的衝突,從2003年至今,兩個族群間的衝突行為已導致超過20萬人死亡、至少400萬人受到影響。






Thousand Wells for Darfur Follows Discovery of Ancient Lake
BOSTON, Massachusetts, July 23, 2007 (ENS)

位於達佛北部的「超級湖泊」。地圖來源:BU Center for Remote SensingAn underground lake the size of Lake Erie has been discovered beneath the windblown sands of Sudan's Darfur region. The newly mapped water source may help to alleviate the conflict between Arab nomads and the African farming population that has killed more than 200,000 people and affected at least four million others since 2003.

Based on location of the Northern Darfur Mega-lake, a new humanitarian initiative to bring water resources to the region has been launched by the government of Sudan following a meeting last month between El-Baz and Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir.

Called "1,000 Wells for Darfur," the plan aims to create new groundwater resources to help establish peace and economic security in the region.

The new water resource is sorely needed in Darfur where the security situation continues to deteriorate displacing more than 400,000 people in the last year, according to the Washington-based Save Darfur Coalition.

Four million people are now affected by the crisis, which has spread from Sudan into Chad and the Central African Republic, and almost a quarter of these people cannot get humanitarian assistance because of insecurity.

The next step for the 1,000 Wells for Darfur project is the identification of the best locations for drilling of the initial wells.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.